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A member registered Apr 06, 2017

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I just downloaded v107 and misteriously this bug disappeared ^^

I could send you my game slot, so you can reproduce ^^

I finally managed to take some screenshots and while doing so I realized, that I could wander through the mountain and exit through the rock xD: using v1.0.4

No, the fog works all right ^^

happy I can help ^^

Somehow I can't take a screenshot right now...?? My screenshot program is hanging... will try later and add it ^^

When I walk into the cave, there is just a ~5m deep room of empty space.... (no floor) and a final wall. When I hit enter (pause) and then resume, I get into the cave, though xD

It's just that I'm can't automatically enter the cave, everything else works fine

Great, thanks ^

No, there's no fog.... I just enter a couple of meters into the cave and it doesn't go on...

I tried v1.04 in slot two. I skipped both the intro and the tutorial (great, that it can be skipped, too +1), but I don't have any bullets and I can't enter the cave to get some...

I'm at herd 4..... The sherriff wants me to build a tower first, but I can't because there is no NPC in my camp.... The girl got killed on the way to my camp :/

I think there is nothing more, that could be related

Great :D

Great Game and Great Work +1

Where are the saved games actually stored? If they're not in the (downloaded) program folder, I will just replace it

Hey, I just wanted to get the latest release to check if some bugs were fixed...

Does it just suffice for linux to replace the executables? Or do I need to delete the data?

Great game

When you hit zombies they usually get knocked backwards a little.
Now I have iron fences and sometimes when many zombies attack my fences and I hit them they get knocked into my camp ^^

Has happened a couple of times, mostly with many zombies together (20+)

Also later in the game sometimes some zombies of a herd (e.g. 5 of 20) take reeeaaaaly long to come.... Usually I just go look for them and then they come ^^

This has happened ~5 times so far

(I still have the game... so if you want specs)

I will try to recreate the bug ^^

(for now I have deleted the slot)

I have Ubuntu14.04_x86.... unfortunately I have already deleted the slot :( next time I give you the specs.

6) Also if you're not careful enough you can get stuck between two spikes... Fortunately you can move them away, but it's still a little annoying.

8) Maybe the stumps could be round, so you don't get stuck behind them, while still being present both visually and as an obstacle ^^

(After having no camp on game start, I deleted the game and started it again...)

Now not only do I have no camp, but I also have full resources!!!

I have made a screenshot, though can't upload it here... :/

Is there any official way to report bugs?

how do the ps controller keys map to keyboard&mouse? Sometimes I don't really know what to hit....

How do you submit these bugs? You need some protocol?



I started the game and followed the old man and the camp wasn't there, just the cauldron on the fire...