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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm digging some of these weapons and systems, although I did have some questions and feedback. Mind, this is all from reading through the content; I haven't gotten to do any live playtesting yet.

  • How does the Brace/Compensation core bonus interact  with allied systems that Stun, such as the Stasis Generator? Also, what about the other negatives of Stun such as auto-failing saves and being unable to take reactions? 
  • Currently the HA Hundred Devils' critical effect as written is completely detrimental to one's team. I'm assuming that, in theory, the intended effect is to prevent the target from moving adjacent to its allies or punish them for grouping up. In practice, however, the fact that it automatically inflicts burn and heat on any adjacent character will result in any allies that use melee attacks can no longer attack the target without suffering Burn damage, and the target can purposefully move adjacent to your allies to burn them, no save or check, essentially giving the target a defensive buff. There's no incentive for the target to attempt a Save to stop the effect. 

That's all I have for now.

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You too, huh? I know Marco is supposed to be a self-insert, but I think the game is best played if you avoid self-inserting at all cost. Without getting too into spoilers, I made that mistake my first time around, and had the same issues you did. I think having Amicus not being the one who kidnapped you would go a long way in making him an appealing love interest. Given the comments, though, maybe that's the draw.

(1 edit)

Not gonna BS you and say the MC ain't the lecturing type, but that doesn't change the fact that some of the stuff Marco said wasn't right. Honestly, I don't think he went far enough speaking out against all the messed up stuff on Adastra. Maybe it's because if he did, he wouldn't have much reason to actually love Amicus. Adastra and the wolven empire are a complete disaster.

Hm, actually, no, I think I can better express what I meant there. When I say, "whether or not your enjoy this VN hinges entirely on whether or not you like Amicus," I mean that he's supposed to carry the entire story. Without him there's really no reason to care about the planet, er, moon Adastra and all the other stuff. It's a pretty place, but God damn, it is not somewhere you'd ever wanna live. I kinda wish they'd focused on that more outside of and without Amicus; that way he wouldn't have to carry so hard.

Fair enough. I like Virginia mostly because she has to deal with a lot of shit inherent in Adastran society that her brothers don't have to, and seeing how she navigates it is a very interesting story to me that sadly doesn't really get explored much. Though given this is a VN about hot bara wolf men I wouldn't really expect that subplot to get a lot of focus.

I'd probably like Cassius more if his initial reaction to Marco wasn't to immediately want him dead. I unno, he really didn't sell me enough on there being a good or understandable side to him to let me empathize with him despite his behavior. 

I've more to say, but that's probably getting more into my personal hang-ups than legitimate critique of the story itself. Like I said, I'm glad other people enjoyed the game, even if it wasn't for me.

Well, I guess this is me being 'that guy', but—keeping things vague so as to not divulge too much of the plot— it seems like whether or not you enjoy this VN hinges entirely on whether or not you like Amicus, and I'll confess, I don't really like him. Like, at all. Amongst other things, but that would get into spoiler territory. Regardless, the comments are mostly positive, so I'm glad that others enjoyed the game. I guess it just wasn't for me.

That being said, I'd love to see more about Virginia. Easily the best character in the game.

Just bumping this thread again to generate interest. Candy Hammer Games posted a link to the Discord, and we can definitely use more players!

Alright, now that the submission deadline has passed, I'm up for running some stuff. Anyone have any ideas on how to best schedule these games? 

Alright, sounds good.  I wonder if we should record some of these (with every player's explicit consent, of course) for highlight material for the games to promote them on social media. Or something. I'm not very familiar with game jams yet 

Sounds good. If we get more people I'll try to see about scheduling. 

There's been a lot of neat games submitted to the jam thusfar. I'd love to try them all out, but it'd be a bit much to run one shots of all of them by myself. 

To that end, I think it would be cool if we as a group ran some mini adventures or one shot sessions of each other's games. That way each game gets highlighted. It'd also be a chance for incomplete games to get some playtesting feedback in. 

I'm up for running some of the initial one shots to kick things off. If anyone else is interested in running or playing please post. 

I don't think you have to know 4e, but by the looks of it I don't think you need to have a rolepl part, or even be finished. 

Yup, 4e refers to dnd fourth edition, which is known for being the most blatantly tactical-combat oriented. 4F, then, is the idea of making tactical combat games in that vein.