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General Discussion! Sticky

A topic by FeelinImpish created May 27, 2023 Views: 3,608 Replies: 77
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Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Post them here!

How many probes can you find and where do you find them?


Got a probe guide right over here! Total of 4 probes before the last mission, which itself has 10.

when the character is in the second stage (the one where she has difficulty moving) when she returns to the city the screen goes black


Yeah, that was an oversight on my part. I've fixed it for the next version, so that won't be a problem in the future.

Sorry about that!

for some reason the third act (like after the metropolis) when I descend to the mission, there are two models of the ship and the alien herself, and after I go to metropolis again, everything is black but the game is still ok for some reason


Yeah,  that's a bug I'm gonna have patched out in the next version. Levels weren't meant to be revisited, but I made some mistakes in that endeavor.
You need to talk to Theremin and make the choice to either head back to Diadem XII or collect the probes before trying to head back. The former option should make the world map inaccessible, and the latter should allow you to proceed to the final mission. And then AFTER the final mission, there's another bug for trying to go back to the world map again.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

will you made something like gallery?


I've been thinking about it. I'll probably be adding one as I make more progress on future chapters, might even be able to make one for the next version. We'll see!

also i found a glitch, after escape from  "arena 51", speach with kapitan and interaktion with your ship, game think, that you only begin invation on base


I think I know the bug you're talking about, I should have it fixed up for the next build. Thanks for the heads up!


Wanted to mention that this game is a winner in the preggo game jam. Let me know the best way to get into contact with you so I can go over details regarding winning the competition.


Holy hot dang!! I'm absolutely floored, thank you guys so much!!!

I just whipped up a deviantart, if that works! I'll be keeping an eye on my notes or comments, whichever is easier for ya!

Thank you again, I'm positively over the moon right now!!

Just noted it was updated yesterday.
What has been fixed and or updated in the latest version of the game?


Oh, I think that was just for some page edits I made; found and fixed a typo, and I changed the release status to "in development" instead of "released."

That being said, I've got an update I'm hoping to have finished by the end of the week! It'll have bug fixes, some dialogue adjustments, but most importantly an overhaul of the probe stuff(and a new sub level in the city)! I'm also toying with the idea of adding a gallery, but that's a lower priority at the moment. We'll see!


how's it going man any update soon or is work swamping you like me


Work's always a downer.

I have been making good progress on things, but I don't have enough worth showing just yet. With any luck I'll have an update posted in the next few weeks!






Came to repot a bug once you completed getting the last 10 probes you can go back in the ship and glitch it. haha


AGHHHH!! This saucer is the bane of my existence  lol

Thanks for telling me! I'll try to have a fixed version out by the end of the weekend!!

so if you want to describe x-2042, how would you describe her?


Ooh, interesting question. 

I'd say she's a pretty mixed bag of traits. As a life-long soldier and invader, she can be quite ruthless and even bloodthirsty at times. Even though she's attracted to humans and has even grown fond of them, she wouldn't have any compunction about killing any if she felt she needed to (which she has demonstrated once or twice already). She also tends to be smug, arrogant, and is prone to pursuing her goals in a manic/overzealous manner. You could also accuse her of being quick to anger.
(She mad horny, too; I feel like that one is evident enough but it's worth mentioning.)

She's terrible at paying attention to things and very often just speaks her mind without really thinking of the consequences; she's a much better at thinking short-term than she is at thinking long-term. That said, when she can be bothered to string two thoughts together she can actually be quite astute, but that's not something she can consistently do.
Prior to being impregnated, she was generally fearless (more for her arrogance and complete lack of awareness than anything else) but she's grown more cautious now that she's a Breeder. Even though she's supremely confident in herself and her abilities, she's an appallingly bad liar and is quick to become flustered if her bluffs are called out. Luckily for her, the humans in my world are even more clueless than she is so it tends to work out. 

In spite of her faults and flaws, she does have some more charitable qualities. She can be very compassionate, especially towards her friends and children, and is fiercely loyal to her people. She can even be uncharacteristically supportive towards others (when they're not an obstacle at least). She doesn't necessarily go out of her way to be cruel, it's just kind of a trait that she developed during her tenure as a ground trooper; she can be a real sweetheart when she wants to be.

So sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've just downloaded the game and am not sure how to run it. I've unzipped the file, but don't see an executable within it.


Oh, dang, sorry about that! I just checked and that's 100% my bad. I'll get a working version up here in a little bit!

Yeah, the second level, I cannot enter the saucer, im kind of stuck.


Uh oh, I don't like the sound of that.
By second level you mean the City, right? What happens exactly when you interact with the saucer? Is there a message that pops up, or does nothing happen at all? 
Also, have you done any of the conversation fights yet? X2 refuses to leave until you've done at least two of the three.

No message popped up, and yes, I did the three conversation fights, but nothing, I had to play again from zero, completed the game, so, problem solved, idkssum???
I think is because I failed one of the convos and my holoproyector popped off but still could engage, so, again idkssum

Also, thing aside, how's the other endings? I see there's somethingsomethingdemiendingsomethingsomething.


Ahh, I think I found the problem! 
I have a sex count tracker in place, but one or two of the events weren't actually adding to it, so it likely wasn't tracking your progress. Sorry about that, but thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'll definitely have that fixed for the next update.

Slight spoilers for the Return to Diadem XII endings below!!

As for endings, there are three variants of the Return to Diadem XII ending and they're directly affected by a "Fertility Point" tracking system I use; using probes and having sex increase the number of Fertility Points you get.  Probes each give one, and you one FP per human you manage to seduce. Nine or fewer FP gives you the Soldier ending, Seventeen or fewer gives you the Retirement ending, and getting all Eighteen gives you the Demi-God ending! They're non-canon, and mostly just flavor text with different character graphics. Eventually I'll add a gallery system so people can see them after the canon ending.

can I ask how can I get the key to the farm? I can't open the locked door on the farm, or is that person not part of the game? And there is no way for two people in the city to interact when they take risks in high-rise buildings? Looking forward to your reply, my English is not very good, please forgive me if there is any mistake, thank you


Okay, I can try to help!
For the locked door at the farm, you need to visit the well after the guy runs away from you. Once you get the key from the well, you should be able to get inside!
As for the city, I think you're talking about the two guys who hide from you? If so, then you need to go to the park after they run away from you. There will be a cat that takes the key and runs away, so you'll have to find it two more times before you can get the key from it. 

I hope this helps! If you have more questions please feel free to ask!

Thanks!and can I ask  do you have discord?


You're welcome! 
And I do have an account, but I don't have my own server or anything like that. So far I've just been using it to make it easier to talk to certain people.


Just finished playing the game and, dangit, it's a well-deserved first place! The overall composition is great, the picked music and sound effects really fit. The writing of the characters and story is *really* well done! It's not easy to write a psychopath and a horny alien in the same setting, but this one has it. Really liked the flow, too. Well done!


That's very kind of you to say, thank you so much! I really appreciate it!!

(1 edit)

holy shit that ending was really dark, and the fact it kind of ends on a cliffhanger for what is even going on makes it feel... i don't know, empty, kinda wish we could have gotten some of the agents there into an orgy,,, or if that was an option it wasn't layed out very well, i actually AVOIDED the agents cause of her saying they would pick through her disguise, still the fact x2 managed to complete her mission is still good


The Area 51 level is definitely something I want to rework. I planned on having a bunch of encounters (a foursome was actually one of them!) but I ran out of time to implement them for the Game Jam, so it's pretty bare bones at the moment. I'm looking to expand on the Sewer and Area 51 before I get started on the next chapter.

ah, good to hear new levels and encounters are gonna be added, and hopefully with less people being shot by a villain that never really get's beaten, as honestly i feel like leaving a psycho like the director free is kind of a mood killer, was half expecting her to end up as a seduction option for a 4 some honestly, with both x2 and her getting railed by some of the male agents


I can't make any promises! I'm really experimenting with my storytelling and such with this project, and I usually like my villains to feel genuinely evil or threatening . I might play around with some more lighthearted/comical villains, though, we'll see!

maybe make the boss agent into a brood mother for a male version of x2


I'm actually not the biggest fan of forced brood mother stuff, so I wouldn't count on that happening. I don't plan on the Director getting off scot-free either, though. I don't have a solid idea for how that'll play out, but I'll get there eventually! 

How's it coming along with development of scenes for the next update developer?


Not well, I'm sorry to say. I'm still not 100% satisfied with the browser version, which has been eating up some of my time. That's probably going on the back burner for now, though, since I hate stalling progress because of it. I also don't have as much free time to work on it right now, which isn't helping, but I have managed to get some of the art designs for the sewer encounter done. 

That said, I'm hoping to jump back into if after the weekend! 


ok good to know your doing well feels like I'm waiting for fan fictions but I can play the different paths

hope the browser situation gets fixed


I don't think Herbert meant for Harkonnens to be so bad gah dam


I gotta level with ya bud, I'm not altogether sure what you're trying to say here lol


Sorry for the confusion, I recently watch the movie Dune and it altered my brain chemistry. Anyways, as far as I understand, the most egregious of the work that needs to be done is updating the sprites and fitting them into rpgmaker. I can't give any helpful advice, but given the apparent gravity of the special with many unique new hostile npcs and apparent chase sequences like the base ending, and given how you have spoken of coding the pathfinding for the director, I can only imagine the pain of multiplying it with overlapping npcs. We truly understand the amount of work you are doing and we are with you in spirit, don't go hollow. 


Ah no worries bud! Haven't watched the Dune movies, but I really ought to.

Yeah the sprites have been giving me some trouble. Though I think the biggest issue for me has been the eventing/programming side of things. A whole lot of this has been outside of my comfort zone, but learning more about the program has been really helpful overall! 

Thanks for the support and kind words friend! 
(And the way I farm and hoard humanity, ain't no way I'm staying Hollow for long)


you’ve been at this since Halloween good lord dude don’t kill yourself.


Oh buddy, I started like late September so it could be done FOR Halloween lol

I am in WAY too deep now. But I think I'm stubborn enough to pull through

I just had a pretty disappointing failed relationship with a girl way too buried in her own past to love me so I’m starting to understand a percent of the pain you’re in.


Just played through(?) the game, raiding the military base. Had a blast playing it, but when I came back to itch I saw some content that I didn't find in the game. Like the cow costume, or anything that seemed to resemble a second (or further) episode. So, is that still to come in a future update or did I just miss it?


Hey hey, glad to hear that you liked it!!

And yeah, the cow stuff is part of a newer episode that isn't out yet. Been trying my hand at experimenting with other types of mini games which has been a HUGE time sink, but I think the biggest road blocks have been cleared so I'm hoping to post some updates here in the near future!


Cow breast expansion stuff?
You have my attention.


I wanted to ask how to get a good ending in the last levels in the game?


There are only really two endings, one of which has a few variations. 

The first ending where you return to Diadem XII is the one with the varying outcomes depending on how many encounters you've won and probes you've used, and the one where you stay and do the Government Base level doesn't have any variations.


I see thank


You're welcome!


I think it’s really admirable that you’re completely revamping combat from what I can tell. I have nowhere near the strength it takes to spend that long on something then do it all again on pure gigachad energy. When I’m done with something I’m DONE.


Haha, well thanks! I should clarify that I'm most definitely NOT revising the entire system, but I am taking steps to shake things up and make them more interesting. It's mostly over world design, puzzles, and mini games that I'm playing with. That said, I am toying around a little bit with a few of the combat mechanics. I don't mind the combat system where it's at, but I don't want them all to feel like guessing games.

sorry to be such a constant bother but do you have any way to convey rough scale of the update?


Hmm, by scale do you mean timetable for its release or do you mean how much content there will be? 

If it's release date you're looking for, I'm afraid I have no idea. I might have the more difficult programming elements done, but I still have a lot of writing and art stuff to do. 

As for content, I can't imagine it'll be much longer than the base game. I hate to feel like I'm leading people on with some kind of HUGE GRAND ADVENTURE type thing, but in reality it just hasn't been working the way I want it to.

story teaser?


I'll go more in depth with an update once I'm happy with my progress, but quick version;

X2 wants to increase her breast milk output, so she tries to steal cows from a farm! The owners don't like that.
Shenanigans ensue.


ion think blud still alive


Not dead yet!

But I may have an update in the coming weeks. I've gotten over most of the programming hurdles, now it's just writer's block getting in the way.




I love this game so much. I adore the character design so much im gonna cry. ALSO LIKE THE ARTSTYLE IS SO GOOD?



Well hot daaaang, thank you so much for the kind words!!! (And the positive rating!!)

I love designing little weirdos, so I'm really happy to hear you like my critters so much!!


ur my fav creator ever ong





His smile... Its coming back...


Also I lowkey think Imp has played Drowned God.


I haven't, actually!

Though I am a sucker for alien conspiracy stories, so I'll have to give it a look.


i like the game so far i wish the dialog wasn't skipping at much because. i hope there other characters you can choose from with different abilities. the story could be flush out more and  could added side story too

can you give an estimate for final file size? I just want a sense of scope


I'm not really sure, to be honest. It's hard to say without zipping it all up into a distribution package, but I'm pretty sure it'll be a bit larger than the last episode.