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A member registered Oct 24, 2021

Recent community posts

I would love to see a return of 2.0's "Never flee" option; I understand there's zero benefit of it over "Always allow flee" - but, fleeing monsters makes the fights so anti-climactic. It's a hard fought brawl, but then they just run away... I'd turn off "Always allow flee" but then I know it'd ask me with a pop-up every time, so it's easier to just let them go. . .

The 'Chomp' enemy needs to have who it hits when damage reversed - I should be able to just look at the arrow and tell which direction the damage is going to come from (ie: hit bottom/top, like other attacks/spells), instead of having to mentally reverse that it's pointing to the top-most/bottom-most; as it is right now, I have to think that he's attacking from a certain direction, but ignoring everyone else but the last one in that direction - it's super weird.   

Like, I get that icon is used for Tarantus and there makes sense - since it's not representing a row of teeth. That said, it's used to represent "instant-kill top hero". Chomp needs special iconography.

In 2.0, you can align the dice then click reroll (once) to have them all re-roll. No need to double click, like you do currently in 3.0.

Being able to align->reroll directly made life a lot easier; I'd love to see that re-implmented in 3.0 if possible! It was such a nice thing, that not I'm really feeling the impact of not having it.

While I'm really loving 3.0, I do want to comment that I think the Help/Almanac menus are significantly cluttered/clustered in the latest release compared to 2.0.

2.0 is sleek and refined, everything is where makes sense and sorted into different tabs (especially the Alamanac) and laid out appropriately. Would love to see the same happen for 3.0 - even is just for the sake of the new players! I want them to have the best experience possible, and I feel 2.0 was rock solid in the interface/menuing regards.

That all said - the fact that you can "re-lock unlocks" in 3.0 without losing progress/forced to restart: seriously, such a huge deal. Thanks! <3

You can add it with "Games"->"Add a non-Steam game to my library". Sure, it's not the same as owning it on Steam for the purposes of achievements and stuff - but, it's still playable/the same game. :shrug:

(1 edit)

Thanks! Glad to hear I was just misremembering it.

edit: In 2.0, you can align the dice then click reroll (once) to have them all re-roll. No need to double click, like you do currently.

I don't recall being unable to roll dice when they're aligned (you need to click reroll twice to actually reroll). Is this new?

Either way, love seeing an update! Take as much time as you guys need, game is great as is! <3

New update? Serious hype - the changelog looks fantastic.

Personally, seeing the game continue to get love from the developer is honestly fantastic - and makes me love the game/dev even more. <3

Fantastic game, I simply can't stop playing it - it hits all the right notes, and equally important - there's clear thought and creative design behind everything (especially all the different items!). <3