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A member registered Jan 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Based on post history, it seems to be which appears to be a tool to circumvent DRMs.

You will need to contact support to initiate a refund, and will take a while but it will most likely be processed with the correct access rights removed after refund.

In that case, it sounds like there's a file that doesn't have the right encoding. It's probably the files coming from a JPN since they default to ShiftJIS.

You'll need to identify which files came from that JPN and see if the file's encoding is at UTF-8 after you use "Re-open with Encoding" in VSCode. VSCode defaults to UTF-8 even if the file isn't so you'll need to use that re-open.

Once you identify what files aren't actually in UTF-8 encoding, then you'll need to use "Save with Encoding" and need to save it as UTF-8 this time.

But if you're comfortable enough with command line tools, I'd recommend using iconv instead and just force everything to be UTF-8

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The problem seems to be not with the contents of the file, but the filenames themselves.

Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji aren't supported well and it would be better to turn the filenames into Romaji instead.

If possible, stick only to the 36 alphanum characters, underscores, and dashes.

Afterwards, you will need to update the game to use the new romaji filenames instead of the old ones.

Is it possible for me, a seller, to mix two versions of my own games in a bundle?

For context, the first version is a regular downloadable porn game that can be installed in PC/MacOS/Android. But the second version is planned to be a browser version so that those who don't have compatible devices, or those who don't want to install porn games, can play as well.

If I cannot mix games of different access types in a bundle, in theory I should be able to work around it by bulk-generating the download keys of the second version and manually distributing it in the first version. Is that idea for a work around correct?

There are tier rewards for Game Dev Blog with different names attached to it corresponding to specific people from the team.

Is this post for that reward or is this post something else?

This isn't the part where those who pledged up to a certain tier gets to ask right? This is just like a notice or something?

The developer involved is planning or has already made extensive changes on the work-in-progress that his modifications might not react well to what is basically tampering. Those games you mentioned look more like they're made with only the capabilities of the base MV, and don't seem to have access to a developer who is extending MV to get more capabilities.

There's also this part of Big Sur's known issues related to the kernel where they moved the system libraries (this includes the graphics driver involved in drawing stuff) into this one big blog and you'll need to use the newly-introduced dynamic library loader to get them. MV wouldn't know how to use it because it was developed way before, and it's something only the MV team will only be able to do while almost certainly breaking everything else along the way. And experience has taught me that this issue behaves differently when it involves a Mac that has been upgraded to Big Sur and up, compared to a Mac that has Big Sur and up installed by default.

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I'm not part of their team but since they mentioned that they're using RPG Maker MV and the RPG Maker itself has this post about the future of RPG Maker MV and MacOS then there is a very big chance that the port will not run on MacOS 11.0 Big Sur and higher.