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A member registered Jan 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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I saw your Fiverr. At some point, when I have some spare scratch, be prepared to compose the most epic RPG intro ever made! I'd love to source you for the entire project eventually.  

Incredible work. Ever intend to do another RPG pack? I'm working on quite the sprawling game, and more well-done music would help immensely.

I actually semi-abandoned the project when 3.0 was announced, since I'll have to re-do it for the new system. The numbers are sprite actors that change numerals based on variables you set. I intend to get back on it when I get a solid vacation from work.

I love it. Very good backbones for an incredible and beautiful game here.

You need to use a file compressing tool like WinRAR or WinZip to open the Rar.

Best Way: Open the included files in GB Studio and make your game around them, using, copying and modifying the existing scenes to fit your game.

2nd Best Way: Copy the scene, paste it in your existing game. Certain variables and such are already used, so you may have to work some things.

Worst Way, but possibly also best: Just use as a reference for your own work.

(1 edit)

I saw, but only saw sprite options. Do by chance have a menu for static/terrain tiles?

Awesome work. I was working on an Ace Attorney-style game for the comp as well, but couldn't find the time to finish. Do you intend to finish this game? My fiance was super invested.

A fun concept for a puzzle and/or puzzle game. The uniquely created spritework is incredible.  The thought of encountering that *spoiler removed* at the end in some kind of Zelda-esque game got me really excited to see what else you'll come up with.

My goodness! I absolutely love this set and will be purchasing it Friday. My fiancé and I are working on a game in a Grimm's Fairytale setting, and this style is exactly what we were looking for. Do you, by any chance, do commissions?

EXTREMELY solid work! I find it hard to believe that someone's even capable of transcribing music like that to a GBC! I'm super envious. Following!

I believe the build you submitted was a testing one, as it immediately began in a battle rather than starting through the tutorial. The art style is incredible, it's really unlike much else I've seen, but it suffers a bit in the control/accessibility area. Really solid, though, and escited to see more work from you in the future.

I never did. Work became too intensive. No drive to continue working after working 16 hr days -.- I'm back down to only 12 hr days for a while, though, so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. Expect to see at least a few basic things from me soon.

Your work is always so good! I wish I had 1/2 the drive you do. Excellent work. Keep it up!

Thanks a bunch, Chip. The actual game itself won't be as.... course as this Demo is, at least not in its entirety. Took your advice and moved the rating and boldened it. Thanks a bunch, and I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming updates :)

I sincerely apologize! The wrong version of the .RAR file containing the assets was uploaded. It's been fixed, if you download it again you should have folders marked with the type of assets you're looking for. Sorry again, and doubly sorry it took me 2 days to fix something you already paid for!

Click on the box where the game is playing, and then press enter (start button on mobile)

Yeah, in the description for the battle system I said the Goblin and then "All" sections aren't finished yet. I'll get around to it this weekend. I've spent the week adding assets to my new monster asset pack instead :P Thank you for checking it out!!

Really awesome! Only oddities/bugs I've noticed are that I unlocked the DMG pickup and when selecting it I was still in the cruiser, and pause mode makes all enemy cars/trees/pickups disappear. Actually fun to play, though! I enjoyed it thoroughly. :)

Hey guys! Name's Andrew, and I'm currently working on a game for the Game Boy Color! Growing up I always had a craving for an RPG on Game Boy that scratched a very specific kind of itch. I played Pokemon, Quest, Final Fantasy Legends 1-3, the Zelda games, but none of them quite did what I wanted. What I wanted was a game with seemingly infinite replayability, since we were very poor and whatever game I had had to last for a very long time. It needed to have discovery, since if you're not experiencing something new, there's no real reason to continue playing. And it needed to have a good story. I began writing ideas for PageTurner almost 20 years ago in high school. The way the game works is by remembering many of the answers and choices you make at the beginning of a game, and using them to influence experiences you'd have in the future. Make a friend? They may come back later to help. Make an enemy? You may see yourself facing them down as the big bad at the very end. The game is still currently in the Alpha stage. What this means is it's currently limited to the beginning "Dream Scenario", where you can explore to your heart's content, making choices that will eventually influence the beginning and general flow of your quest. At the moment when you're done, your only option is to die and have the enigmatic Man in Red recant your choices back to you. Soon, though, after you've made enough choices you'll be able to wake up in the real world, with the decisions you've made influencing the game proper. I hope you'll all give it a try, and you leave me some ideas or complaints in the comments. Thank you very much! And STAY ON THE CROSSWALKS!!!

PageTurner GBC - Alpha Demo

I downloaded this on a whim in order to expand my number of useable assets. I did NOT expect 200,000 new assets at my disposal from one free download! Good gods, man! Throwing you a tip the SECOND I have some spare cash! Be sure to check out my game PageTurner to see how I'll be using them!

Oh my gods you're the best!!! *Huge hug!!!*

These are absolutely incredible! Any chance of an attempt at a ferret?

lmao! Thanks for playing XD There's a way to stop the cars from running you down, if you explore the right place ;)

No thank you, and your offer is greatly appreciated do you think you'll ever re-visit this sort of subject matter in an actual 8-bit medium?

I thought from the picture they seemed a little hi-res. These were advertised as 8BIT, but the second I opened it and saw the color gradients I knew that there's no way these are 8 bit :(  I feel ever-so-slightly ripped off, since using these would take an amount of editing beyond recognition, but I'd totally be willing to just purchase a similar pack that actually is 8-bit resolution.