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A member registered Aug 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Voted for community favorite - Deniell de Vries - Spaghetti Code

The game is a bit slow paced and the controller's pivot point isn't in the center of the character so the movement is a bit weird, the game is cool and being able to throw limbs is fun, but I can't access most of the level because I end up in water at the bottom that stretches for pretty long. I also can't attack the rat, but the game's aesthetics and music is cool.

The game is a little confusing because I'm not sure what is going on when I drag stuff around, there doesn't seem to be feedback and clicking on things don't do much. But slacking off was fun, playing the duck game. I love the wehaa duck sounds. Fun game, little confusing.

The game was fun to play because once you get going you can ram anything in your way without stopping, even trees. I enjoyed it, even though the controls are a bit weird, having the car stop immediatly instead of slowing down over time. But that inspires you to continuosly ram everything. Not sure why the decoys are there since the poachers just shoot in one direction and they don't seem to chase the rhinos. Fun game though!

I like the game, though I'm bad with 2D games in general so it was hard for me to play on easy mode hehe. There was also slight input-lag that made it slightly harder to play than necessary.

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This is my first game ever, I hope you enjoy playing it. You can support me by donating, though the game is free to download. It is very short but it might be interesting. Also, I am already working on a different game that will be more fun and maybe rage inducing to play. So stick around and wait for a post from me again.