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A member registered Jan 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for realising this! it's been a lifesaver for my game

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for posting this! It's been a lifesaver for me in my games

Really sorry to ask, but how do I generate the:


and the:


(1 edit)

Sorry, but there's an error on line 131 with the assert and when I tried to delete it by using the GitHub code ( Thanks for doing that ) and putting it on my Playdate, as I didn't know what the assert did, it spat out many...MANY more errors. From my experience, some random errors will arise when you play it on a device. I hope you can fix them!

I haven't been able to stop counting for days! This app is amazing ( Never thought I would say that about a counter ) and I don't know how you make counting so satisfying xD

(5 edits)

Thank you so much for reviewing my app. I was worried about how accurate it was but it was so nice to hear that it counted steps! And didn't jump to infinity after a slight bit of movement. You have made my week. Thank you so much!

Sorry to be back again but it just freezes for a long amount of time before crashing my playdate

Right-click in the main folder of your game, type "pdc" then space and input the name of the folder where your main.Lua, leave a space and specify the name without "zip" and "pxd" Then once it's done you should have a pdx folder though you need to zip it before you publish it. 

But as I write this, I realise you may have not added the pdc system variable so try watching this from 4:25 minutes in : 

Yep! I love the game and it's super fun to pla

Thanks, I can't wait to play it!

(1 edit)

When I press the start button, it crashes on me saying something about line 22 that it attempted to index a nill value in the function update game and then it says about line 251 also. It maybe an error that only shows up on the playdate, I've had that happen to me before.

When I try to sideload it, I get the error: Could not find a top-level .pdx file.

Thanks, I can't wait to play it.

HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU MAKE THIS IN LESS THAN 8 DAYS!? This game is the most technically advanced Playdate game and I can't wait to finish it. Also, it runs quite well on the Playdate.

It needs to be a zipped pxd file which you have to compile using pdc.

It needs to be a zipped pxd file which you have to compile using pdc.

The bundle ID is missing from the Pxd Info. 

The Life's too short series is perfect to make a game about reflection

Just wanted to ask... WHO'S EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!

(3 edits)

So sorry, I've tried setting the payment mode to dollars which may fix it. Could you please try again if you are still interested in purchasing Kimi?

Edit: Try following the steps in the "Important Information" section

(2 edits)

HI, so sorry. There's some issue at the moment with purchasing. I'm looking into it at the moment, thank you for your patience.

Edit: Try following the steps in the "Important Information" section :)

How do you fix this error? I'm having the same issue for my gam

Does it have the music present in the trailers

Fixed! Hope you enjoy

(1 edit)

Thank you to everybody who rated it, told me how good it is or just played it. After checking analytics, people are even getting recommended this game. Please give any feedback or suggestions on how to improve this game :)

Best regards, from Fin


Sorry, check my reply on mum's the word.

Sorry, first time compiling a playdate game. if anyone knows how to do it please say. For now, I'm turning off downloads.


Thank you so much for the feedback, I'm so glad you enjoyed my game and again thank you for the funny joke. The fact that you liked my game means the world to me, and I can't believe you got 67% ( my high score is 46%).

Best Wishes, From Fin :).

Hi guys, Hope you enjoyed my game. Sorry about the HTML port, Godot does not like me today.