Thanks for the insight!
Firepit Games
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Cool game. I like the puzzles and the simplicity. One thing I noticed was that the character felt very slidey, like the acceleration / deceleration was very slow. This made some of the jumps difficult and it feels like the games fault. Climbing up to the star on L11111 11 felt unnecessarily hard because of this.
Otherwise the game was good.
Cool game, Nice take on the theme. Gets pretty hard towards the end. I managed to get 1650 but couldn't do the part after the checkpoint consistently on subsequent attempts.
One thing I noticed was that the player turns orange, and the moving lines are orange, but the static lines are red. When I saw that I thought that you could go between orange, red and blue. Making both moving (orange) and static (red) obstacles the same color would make it a bit more consistent and intuitive.