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A member registered Oct 22, 2024 · View creator page →

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(10 edits)

I asked politely,and if i'm no polite in your POV,sorry.Yeah, those are demands,but it was no my intention to show my request like that. Its your game,don't feel pressured.I recommend that change to include the other girls if they were catched (is my case,I sayed earlier),and is more aestethic and parallel with "Jhoto Milk Tasting",you understand?

And about the birthing scene,I don't say a birthing scene or each type, just that make the text feel in a more general way like the MC is with all region(Kanto or Jhoto in these cases) girls in their childbirth is a more cute scene,but  it's your game,buddy,I'm a bit mad but I like your game and I want to improve it.But it's too much with generating and writing,I understand you.Your game is 10/10,but with a bit of effort is much better,but for your reasons,you work calmly and I don't want to pressure a lot.The comment for the birthing scene was to show my feelings,they are no related directly to my request of name's change

So,asking polite...and with my reasons from the first text:Can you put "Kanto Milk Tasting",even if is Mewtwo the host of the event?Make that change when you end the first half or the full update of Unova,or when do you feel right ok?Sorry to burst like that if I hurt you.

Oh by the way,nice picture of the Loppuny,I want a scene with MC and a Loppuny,and make them breed 'like rabbits' literally(and of course,the MC will have tiny Buneary)(Finally with my bit of sand to your project) .I wish to take her with the Legendary girls,if Maple approves it.

(15 edits)

On the Post Hoenn activities put "Kanto's Milk Tasting" instead "Mewtwo's Milk Tasting".I already told you about ambiguity:There is no sense that says 'Mewtwo' and you have all the Kanto girls.The same goes for the birthing scene of Hoenn girls text :when you describe that your children are running behind Maple in her house, put "Kanto" not "Mewtwo".After all you don't know if the MC (like me) obtained all Kanto Legendarys,ALL in the literal way(Sub,Legend and Mythic),which is my case (I have the Kanto birds, Mewtwo and Mew).Fix that buddy (I don't want to see just 'Mewtwo' and the other Kanto girl invisible when you refer to Kanto Harem,ok?),and take in consideration in Unova with Jhoto,Pikachu ,Kanto and upcomig Legendary girl's children in Maple house in future updates writing the last text in the birthing scenes,Unova counts(example in Unova update in the Hoenn birthing scene:"You see your Kanto and Jhoto children playing with your cheerful Pichus,and Maple laughing loudly with their misichiefs")

Oh,and I already see that you always put how all the birthing of the non Legendary happened,but I'm depressed and sad (for my feelings seeing the texts and playing as MC ) that you don't write the birthing scene in a general way(writing that you entry,not to attend the Mewtwo's/Ho-oh and Lugia's birthing labor but all your Kanto/Jhoto girls labor).It puts me sad that MC learns how happened the labor via Mapple call,and not by living himself.In a few words:Writing that MC attend all the girls birthing is a best scene that attend default girl(the Legendary).Just a comment but is your choice to makes changes in this matters.It's ok with the Maple update about Sub and Mythic's labor and the photos in the Pregnancy Checkup,but is not sufficient.Just commenting.

POV Description(Maple:Oh,and about your other girls,their birthings all suceeded in (text description):

MC (and random player) Default POV:Oh, it's good to see,I go to check up on them and my eggs. *says cheerly*

Firewolf as MC

Firewolf(Me): Oh...*sightly shocked and a little happy*It's nice Mapple.I go later,bye *hangs the PokeGear feeling terrible😩😔😭 about learn that losed his other girls labor*

Mewtwo(in Hoenn)/Ho-oh,Lugia(in Sinnoh)/other Legend in Unova updates  and beyond releases:Master(or Darling,I don't like that of a lover calling me Master even if is a scenario of lover that is you slave),it's ok, don't blame for that,your girls will understand that you were attend me/us.*the girl(s) embraces and consoles me while together are caresing their eggs*

(Later in each Sub/Myth room,general scene)

Me:Hi, honey*greeting  the girl(s) and caresing our eggs,looking sad,the girl(s) ask me why I am sad* Is just,hah...I losed your lays.I know you are not mad,but*I embrace her/them(in Latis case)*Sorry for no seeing that *starting to sob,and saying sorry embracing her/them😢😢😭😭*

The girl(s):No,no,Master(Darling),it's ok,don't cry.*feeling the depressed state and consoling him,with embrace and caresing together their eggs*.

I just write the scene to show how I really feel as MC about losing the non Legendary Pokémon laying (and the lack of the full experience for obvious and understandable reasons) (sorry if I write bad,I just know  English (I speak Spanish,told in another comment and is all is hand writed without translator)

Oh and.....,.......when you will release the Unova(Teselia in Spanish) update? of my POV female look's Legendary  in the real Pokémon games(along with Cresselia and Latias (this one obvoiusly),Mesprit and (yep) Suicune),Reshiram is featured in that region (and coincidentally in trailer pictures)

I speak Spanish but I know English

(3 edits)

Hey buddy,another feedback:You mention that Mewtwo layed 15 eggs, the Pregnancy Checkup you don't mention the number of eggs of no one girl,so in exchange that you couldn't show the childbirthing of Myth and sub girls You could put in the layed eggs photos  in the Pregnancy Checkup of Jhoto and Sinnoh and the future childbirth regions(I don't remember if there is a similar message)the message"Congrats(or Congratulations),your girl(s) layed your children eggs" and below of the photos...Say the Number of eggs,Damn Fucking Rotom !!(XD bursting as MC against you (Chainsaw) as the poor PKMN )In other words,put the number of eggs,it's more contextual to the lore,or you can put in the congrats Message "...layed 15 eggs per nest" and you could save energy for writing.🧐👌👍

(9 edits)

Well thanks for the answer,it's a lot of job,and I know that it's a lot of coding and writing,I can handle with that content,that you put the girls with her eggs layed in Pregnancy Checkup is something.

Oh another feedback is that mention "your Kanto's children behind Maple",instead "Mewtwo's children behind Maple" in the Post-sinnoh region text (after the part of the Hoenn Legendary birth labor) it could be more general,don't you think? In that way you mention Mewtwo 's and also all other girls's (including Kanto sub and Myth)children (well you don't have one child with Mewtwo).That change counts,it just a few words.And implement the ambiguity  helps to the gameplay lore of the player  that catched all girls (in this case me).Same thing goes for later text with the mention of your children(not counting Pikachu's children,in that moment (Start of Hoenn I think) is obvious that they are the unique children in Maple's house)

And it's a pleasure to help in a game that makes my dream of becoming father in the near future becomes real.Your welcome👍👍👌

(2 edits)

Hi Chainsaw, I've been playing the game since I discovered it with the Hoenn update, and now with the full Sinnoh update, I'm not happy with some things and  I would like to change, I don't want to pressure you to do so, but I will be happy if you accept my changes, in order of priority these are the changes:

High Priority: I'm very dissatisfied with the birth scenes and general downtime events (ex: "They're all cute"), because I have all the girls (including Sub and Mythical), and I feel like I (as MC) had all priority with Mewtwo and all the other Legendary category Pokemon in their childbirths and I will ignore the other girls (Sub and Mythical), the same goes for 'They are all cute' and similar downtime events in the other regions. It's not fair to me that I (MC) put all my attention on the Legend girls and don't spend the walk in the park with the others. I want to interact with all the girls and see the Birth (or laying of eggs) of the girls I caught and not just see their photos after birth in the Pregnancy Checkup, it makes me think that in the story of my game the girls Sub and Mythics are annoyed at me because I don't see their eggs coming. Do you understand me? 

Oh, and I would like to have the option to choose to fuck any trio (ex: lake trio or Kanto birds) in  any hole  just a hole by girl is testrictive (and of course I prefer their vaginas, but I can't access, for example,to  Giratina's pussy because she wants to be fucked in the ass). That's fine, but since the sexual events are repetitive, it should be best for you to choose a girl and the part you want to fuck, and after repeat the same thing if you want with the other (in my case) or have the player choose another option with another girl. You can leave out his favorite hole (example for Giratina: Ass (favorite). I say this because I didn't like the lake trio options (Asself, Mouthsprit, and Puxie), and that was... well, as I say, restrictive in the game.

Medium Priority (up to you, totally optional): Bro, I don't like futa girls, because it's... well, Latios is male and you can find 50% Heatran in both genders in the original game. But you can put up a flag that doesn't show futa girls. In the case of Latios (if you put girl instead of male), you can put a lore that says that when Latios was born, they saw that she was a Latias but with the color blue, but they called them Latios after the species of the father, and Latios says which is actually a Latias but the skin color is a genetic cause. If you put Latios as male, the MC can take him with himself, and Latios can participate in threesome, fucking her sis or another Legendary in her mouth or ass while the MC fuck her in other hole.That's totally optional,but if you change Heatran to full female and Latios beign full male or full female that will be great the only girls fans

Middle -Low Priority (Lore Changes):Is not best that Giratina should be Arceus sister instead of her daughter?,I see in that way because creates the great constrast (Arceus is order,Giratina is chaos,'Distorsion').That doesn't show when Giratina is Arceus daughter.And will be the great rival sisters (Giratina:.....Sister....../Arceus:So that's the way that you greet your sister after long years in that silly cave?.I see that this Human take you from the jail that I send you,or it was your house? *Chuckles with a little malice*) 

They will be like Celestia and Luna from My little pony,but Giratina is a Luna 1000000% furious and chaotic in contrast with the peaceful mare of the night

Other thing that I want to recommend you(This is appreciate that you could take in consideration)is that best that the other Pokémon fighters  from Gen 5 to up don't overdue the 90 HP of Arceus,to make her the most powerful Pokémon to defeat in combat(is the GODdess of the Pokémon World,that makes sense).

Oh and I want to personalize the MC,I don't like that is Human mid ditto.It should be great that you can be a Pokémon with the char that is currently the  MC be your father and you obtain your mother species and the human speak and the changing cock from your father,then Maples find you and your father and both of you accept that you will be the Legendary Pokémon Breeder(with the analysis in order),put green light to your mission.The beginning of your father being a Pokebreeder like your grandmother(the MC'mother currently) and explain that ocurred similary situation of your grandparents (the female human and the Ditto)with your father and mother (your father with his ability Charm seduces your mother and the naughty union is you,and your father along with your mother train you) it should be great for the Pokémon form background.

And I see coming the fucking battle with Arceus inclusive when she say that first she was putting a quiz.(MC (me)in his mind and me in the real life in Spanish:a Quiz? That...oh no,this is too easy,there was no obstacles.Is coming a...?A shit/Arceus in battle mode:Are you ready to conquer me? /Me:You,Chainsaw (murmuring annoyed ).Ah shit,here we go again.

Well if you are with the next region development and are you bussy (or is your laziness XD,I understand) for do all my changes(especially the childbirth, downtime events and the Arceus and Giratina parentages changes),is ok.The Game is 10/10,I can handle it,my heart will be broken,and I will be dissapointed with the changes don't occur but Thumb up from Cuba,greetings from Obed (Firewolf)