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First Time Dev

A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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definitely the "small dark thing that requires some kind of food" one

i've been trying to beat this game for two days without any sort of walkthroughs, at last i have succeded!

i'm in love with the creativity this game offers, some puzzles seemed kinda difficult at first, but it may have been just my lack of wisdom lol

i've found Your game via freesound website whilst searching for sfx for my own project, nice work!

Y'all both have done a great job, 10/10, keep it up!

RIP, lowest WOWIE! score..

But don't lose Your hopes yet! You can always learn and make a better game in the future!

Very enjoyable, 10/10

I'm not sure if the mistake lies on my end, but the first level in .apk version appears unbeatable

Game was quite enjoyable, level 2 had so many cheesable parts lmao

Oh and also I've reached the world border lol

Thanks! I'll update the game as soon as possible!

Titles of the songs used can be found in About section in Main Menu.

Thanks! What can I say, PROTO-31337 just loves the Kazotsky Kick


tldr? owo, what's this?

I died 35 times and got a Penguin Plushie :D

Great Game, it had some interesting mechanics and I loved the fact that the blocks become semi-transparent in play mode and the inclusion of Level Editor (make sure to place all blocks in one place at once lol), the game deserves Full-er release. Retro aesthetics were very enjoyable and I would love to be able to save and load my levels (they could be saved as a copy-paste-able string). I've also found a few bugs/glitches:

- In Levels 8 and 10 by placing Gravity Switch Blocks in designated places (check screenshot) Player can cease to show signs of being alive by colliding with a wall in a strange way;

- In Level 9 Player doesn't even have to use the Blue-Red Switch Block to pass the blue bridge, They can just place a Direction Flip block on the leftmost blue tile, my suggestion for fixing that would be to either make the gap one tile wide so that the Player wouldn't be able to perform such maneuver, or just place some spikes beneath;

- in Level Editor (Level E) by placing all blocks in one place and deleting all of them at once Player gets only one of each in return;

- Level E (Level Editor) also contains a pretty wacky bug where if a Player places a collidable block in the same place as Robot Protagonist and then removes said block, Robot ceases to exist (or gets warped into Backrooms)

Overall pretty good game, I'll rate it 8/10

PS: Short Hop Blocks do look a little bit s u s


I'm glad You've enjoyed!

I indeed plan on supporting the game after the Jam ends

It do be kinda looking like him tho

Nice pfp tho

am I just dum dum or I don't know how to launch the game?

Terraria Wall of Flesh is straight BALLIN!

when "simplistic graphics" is not enough

overall pretty good for a first game! (i see You've created Your account right before the end of the Jam)

I did snail :D


Is Ur pfp Pico from Newgrounds?

awww the scrunkly🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺double tap now if you'd scrunkly the when😆

"Average session: A few minutes"

"a few minutes" i'm stuck at level 7 lmao my brain smol

:o robot my beloved

make sure to spam the <noswerD:> out of [F2] key in main menu (:

Waltuh put your d away waltuh


Thanks! As You can see, the animations were clearly inspired by Old School Runescape

GameObject.Find("myReply").GetComponent<Text>().text = ("Thanks!");



this game is so underrated damn