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A member registered Aug 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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id imagine increases the chance of stuff like "10% chance for bullets to explode"

cute game, hold back on post processing a bit

nice art, id let multiple attack at once

I love the art style and idea,  id definitely play a full game of this

its fun but hard to tell what needs to be let in and what doesnt, I dont imagine that a mushroom smoothie is very nice

fun, could of used some more indication on what to do, I thought you had to try and stay at the top and not fall

I love the amount of vines that end up all over the screen, it looks like some kind of Lovecraftian horror

Good use of the limitation and amazing graphics my only complaint is replaying the same part of a level multiple times can get tedious

fun game! I'm not sure what each upgrade does. Is the earth meant to be flat?


I couldn't get the play in browser to work, on start it would just crash I think it was the unity version I used


Restart could be in a better position as you are moving your hand away from where you are playing and when you hit an asteroid I think you should immediately lose instead of it waiting a few seconds