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A member registered 32 days ago

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Thank you for coming to check us out! We’re glad you liked it :)

Thank you for checking us out, I understand not wanting to download games as I felt that way myself until I found out about the itch app, where you can download the games much more safely. Now I’m willing to check out games as long as I can download them with the app :) We’re glad you enjoyed the game and agree the balance needs work, after the jam we’ll definitely update! Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️

Awe, thank you so much for coming to check us out! Glad you enjoyed it and thank you immensely for such kind words! We’re feeling pretty good about this one ❤️

Man, that’s rough! I hope you are better now ❤️ I’ll look for updates after the jam!

Thanks for coming to check us out and such nice words! We’re glad you enjoyed it! Definitely took a lot of late nights to pull off in a week <3

I don't see a download, did you take it down to fix bugs and not bring it back?

You should have more ratings, this game is really good <3  Nerd and John said it all, I'm just here to show my love too :)

Yay! Glad you liked it, thanks for the support and kind words ❤️

Thank you for checking out our game and the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you for checking our game out and the nice words! <3

Interesting take on the theme for sure!  I can't say I was captivated, but I did enjoy that you can't fall off the map or get injured, that's new :)  Nice job making all the assets on your own!  That's a special feat <3  Thanks for the experience <3

I couldn't figure out how to play :(

Interesting concept, definitely almost quit before I learned that you fire the weapon with the arrow keys (itch app user here).  Not sure I see the theme very well, except that you're at a party and get thrown into a dungeon.  Kind of silly, but, I think my favorite part was pushing the party-goers around at the beginning of the game.  I was trying to see if I could stack them all together lol  Keep going!

Interesting concept, took a second to figure out what was going on but I got there.  Fun art work and music :)  Man, those cards sure sting lol  Nice work :)

The music of the game wins the spooky music competition.  I forced the game shut when it started downloading stuff on my computer.  I realize that's the concept but I don't like it.  I thought through the itch app I'd be safe, but, I still don't feel safe.  This takes things from my youth with old computers, like where you could make someone push a button that said "push for drink holder" and it would open your disk drive (yes I'm that old lol).  Anyway, quite the concept!

Wow, big props on making the whole game with just your own assets!  I really appreciate that your game doesn't crash my itch app when I play it, and I enjoy that I get to just retry levels over until I get them right!  I did get to a level where I just couldn't figure out what to do so I left, but I also appreciate that you have it set up so I could go back to where I was and try again if I wanted.  Looking at a lot of different game setups, it's really nice you thought of these things and got them working well, where some games I can't even get out of them without just force-closing the app.  Also, the game fits the theme really well whereas a lot of games I've tried I don't see the relation. Way to go! 

I never saw any nails, but was able to collect items until the time ran out :) I only got 34.  The music was interesting, and definite props for making it all on your own!  Keep going!

Well, not sure if it was intended or not, but something definitely went wrong.  I tried to jump on the first moving platform and didn't make it, and then was able to just "walk" farther and farther through the content until there was just blue sky.  Couldn't get it to run after that.  Keep working!  :)

Unfortunately the game crashed when I pushed the red button and I couldn't get it to come back online.  Looks like some people had more success :)

The music sure is catchy.  I never figured out how to go to work, and do wonder what comes next.  The movement felt a bit clunky but it was easy to interact with stuff.  Keep working!

I love cell-shading :)  Certainly fun art style and good concept.  Very easy to understand what to do and I appreciate that :)  The rooms are a bit confusing, look pretty similar, and the tasks are a bit repetitive.  But, it certainly fits the theme!  Nice work :)

Thank you so much for your kind words and for checking us out! My husband voiced the video, and my voice was ran through filters to become the AI voice. :)

Thank you so much for checking us out and the kind words! Glad you had a good time :)

Certainly has a nostalgia feel for older gamers like me :)  I'm not sure how it fits the theme, I suppose what's going wrong is getting eaten by the monster if you don't find the exit? Keep working!  :)

Aha! Glad I kept filling it up then! :)

Thank you for checking us out and the kind words! It was certainly a good challenge to pull off in a week, luckily our team has two people working on coding that figured out a lot about building a game from our first build, Rubber Ducky Boat Battle :) If you watched the tutorial video, it says in there the goal is to get seven jumps to deliver your shipment. So be sure to push the ship into overdrive seven times, and you’ve beat the game! Thanks again for playing :)

Thanks for checking us out and the kind words! Stay tuned, because multiplayer is in the works once game jam is over :)

I couldn't get your game to play, it was just a black screen with music playing.  Interesting concept though :)

I wasn't able to figure out how to play the game, I could click in different windows but nothing really seemed interactable. Apologies if it was user error.  I'd love to know more about it :)

I think your music will be stuck in my head all night lol This game was too challenging for me, but my husband could play it just fine (I'm only recently a fake geek girl lol) Interesting concept and not a bad take on the theme.  Keep working!

This game is super cute and I love the idea of the checkpoints!  We were able to skip a level by jumping over a wall, not sure if that was intentional or not.  The next wall we tried it with, crashed the game.  So, we played it normal (my hubby will be on to give you his own rating and feedback tomorrow :) ) I think I have a love-hate relationship with the music, but, I really enjoy how it starts off more mellow and ramps up!  Great work!

Wow, interesting concept :)  Was there a way to flip the direction of the blocks, like Tetris?  If so, I missed it. This reminds me of the earthquake exhibit in OMSI, definite nostalgia there :)  Wonderful job creating it all on your own, too!  Keep going!

This game is the only time I've thought, "man, I wish I had a cattle dog" lol! I love the visuals, and your partner talking about Barbara and Lambchop, so cute!  I actually laughed out loud :)  Are the sheep supposed to... do they... was that sheep just asleep that was laying on the ground?  It looked like an uncomfortable position :/ The game still has a few kinks, like the sheep actually could walk over the cattle guards sometimes, there wasn't a way to keep the sheep in the pen so they kept running back after me, and sometimes the game did like a weird reset and I'd be back where I started and had to herd them all over again.  But such a cute game, and great work for your first one, please keep creating!

Thank you for checking out our game and the kind words!  We're glad you liked it!

That's awesome, especially when we're still in the part of the event where we can re-submit after fixing bugs!  You're very welcome :) I'll check it out again :)

Interesting game concept.  I liked the mini-game of typing in words to get rid of the bugs, although after the first one, I only had to type fault and no other words, which became repetitive.  The cursor gets stuck at times, not sure if that is intentional or not.  Pretty good music, and always props to those that have a full team who can make all the parts themselves!  Keep working :)

I was so very confused as to what to do in your game (but your download is fixed, I was able to play!).  After having my game programming hubby and friend look at it with me, we were able to find where we could place objects.  I didn't get the stuff lined up to shoot the stars, but now that I'm out of the game I see you left a good clue in your game pics!  I think you've got some good music going here, and would be curious to see more levels now that I get how to play.  :)  Keep going!

I love the concept.  I like there's a variety of monsters that run at you, but I was a little surprised I could really just run past them all and get to the end of the game.  I won, but I feel like maybe I cheated a bit since I didn't stick around and try to beat everyone.  I love the idea of having the health dispersed in the game, kind of Pac-Man vibes.  Keep going!

This game is really cute.  I found that the vocals were a bit hard to hear, so I wasn't sure what to do as I was getting chased through the rooms by all the characters, and unfortunately the game crashed when I did end up getting caught.  I ran through a lot of lasers that I anticipated would sound off alarms, but didn't really seem to do much.  Great work putting it together in a week, though! I'd be curious to see where this one goes :)

This game seems rather dark and depressing, and I want to know what happens at the end (I hope all ends well!).  The prompts were very straightforward until after grocery shopping and then I didn't get prompts so I didn't know what to do (I didn't have enough investment to keep clicking things and finding out that wasn't the correct next step and starting over).  Challenging game, really interesting concept. Might come back and give it another go later :)