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Fossilpaw Studios

A member registered Aug 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Late last year we released our first game, a short puzzle platformer called Tonii. We just put out a web build for the game to make it more accessible. I’m not sure the page is the best though, is there anything I should change? Also, how could we reach more players with the game?

Link to game

Hi, we’re Fossilpaw Studios, a small team of three indie developers, currently working on a few lower scale projects, but hopefully release something bigger someday!

Here’s our page:


With a new level, a new speedrun mode, new characters, new music, and new puzzles, there is plenty to enjoy in this update!

More information on the update here.

Tonii is a short puzzle-platformer, about a duck who can only jump twice, but can use bread to regain them! Join him on his quest to save his friend Phill!

Play the game here.

Here’s our first game, a short platformer about a duck who can only jump twice.


Here’s our first game, a short platformer about a duck who can only jump twice.


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Here’s our first game, a short platformer about a duck who can only jump twice.


We’ve just released our first game, a short puzzle platformer called Tonii. Tonii can only jump twice, but you can collect bread to refill his jumps.

Here’s the trailer:

And here’s a link to the game: Tonii

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Hi, we have just released our first game, a short puzzle platformer called Tonii. You take control of a duck called Tonii, who embarks on a journey to save his friend Phill. Tonii can only jump twice, but you can collect pieces of bread that refills his jumps.

Here’s the trailer:

We’ve enjoyed making this game, and we hope you might enjoy playing it. It’s completely free too! Here’s the link:

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Here’s our first game jam game, hope you enjoy! Dark Darker Yet Darker

Here’s our game: Dark Darker Yet Darker

Here’s an arcade style, probably too difficult, dropper kind of thing: Dark Darker Yet Darker

Fun gameplay, cool graphics, good music and an impressive amount of features for a week, very well done! My one critique would be that after a while (especially after getting the gun) it becomes a bit too easy. But still a great game!

If you want: Dark Darker Yet Darker

Gameplay is great, and so are the graphics

Fun game, really like the art and music

Pretty good game, although I think the krill should fill up more so it takes less time level up.

Fun game, love the graphics! Although some audio would have been nice.

A fun concept, and very intuitive

Here’s our take on the theme: Dark Darker Yet Darker

Fun game! Although I agree with what other people said about the bubbles not giving enough air.

Cool game, love the graphical effects!

Cool idea, thanks for playing!

I will, thank you!

Hey it’s Mr Soundman

Here’s our first entry: Dark Darker Yet Darker

Very fun and addicting. Perfect for a game jam!

Very fun and great graphics! My one problem is that I did run into a few softlocks, such as the restart button not working and being stuck in a constant state of slashing. But apart from that, a very good job!

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Thank you! We were thinking of having scaling difficulty but ended up running out time. Maybe we’ll make balancing a higher priority in the future.

Very well made, an impressive amount of content for the time limit

Great ideas, very well executed!

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Hi. We’re a small team of three and this is our first game jam. We made a game called Dark Darker Yet Darker and we’d appreciate any feedback. The game features a gnome called Carl diving down a hole, while avoiding enemies. However, his lantern’s broken and needs batteries to stop it’s light from completely fading out and trapping you in darkness!

We have only been able to work some days, as we have been busy, so it’s not the best it could possibly be. Still, it’s been fun and we’re just looking for any tips on what we can take into our next project!

Thank you, here is a link to the game: Dark Darker Yet Darker by Fossilpaw Studios

I will also happily play and rate any games you made, just comment a link down below!