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A member registered Jan 18, 2023

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Really good start, don't rush yourself to make more though.

Are you saying there are multiple paths through the game? If so, can we have a guide?

Can only buy the game with Paypal, not by card.

This is a surprisingly good TF game. But I'm curious, how many endings are there, and do you have a guide to finding them? I only got what I think is the best ending, but I'm curious what other fates may befall the characters in this story.

I know I mentioned this before, but playing through all the current content has confirmed that my units snowball quickly, even on "hard" mode. I understand the narrative element where Monster Girls are strictly superior to humans, but it's a bit absurd this early on. I'd reduce growth rates across the board, make it harder for individual units to solo entire groups of enemies. This is how I'd change the growth of the Playable characters. Note that while I have not made an SRPG, I have played every mainline Fire Emblem game besides Gaiden.

Maia: 75% HP, 35% Str, 45% Mag, 45% Skl, 50% Spd, 50% Luck, 25% Def, 30% Res; Total 355. Her growths are all above average aside from HP, a unit with no weakness while not dominating in any one area. I made her magic growths slightly better since she can use all magic types but the only weapon type she can use is lances. I'd also give her an acrobat-type skill (move through all traversable terrain without penalties) since she can use her wings to boost her mobility.

Elise: 90% HP, 55% Str, 5% Mag, 40% Skl, 40% Spd, 35% Luck, 25% Def, 10% Res; Total 300. Classic bruiser type with high HP and Str but mediocre defenses. 

Violet: 65% HP, 35% Str, 5% Mag, 60% Skl, 60% Spd, 60% Luck, 15% Def, 15% Res; Total 315. High Skill, Speed, and Luck, but shaky strength and poor durability make her rely on dodging attacks rather than taking them.

Emily: 85% HP, 50% Str, 30% Mag, 35% Skl, 20% Spd, 30% Luck, 50%, Def, 20% Res; Total 320. Very slow but incredibly durable. Will end up being more useful now that not everyone is capable of taking many hits.

Steph: 50% HP, 10% Str, 50% Mag, 35% Skl, 35% Spd, 60% Luck, 10% Def, 50% Res; Total 300. High magical attributes and incredible luck but incredibly frail physically.

Galiena: 70% HP, 30% Str, 20% Mag, 60% Skl, 50% Spd, 40% Luck, 25% Def, 25% Res; Total 320. Relies on Maid Daggers and effective weaponry do deal heavy damage but has enough durability to survive multiple hits from both physical and magical enemies.

Sylvie: 70% HP, 50% Str, 10% Mag, 50% Skl, 50% Spd, 50% Luck, 10% Def 20% Res; Total 320. Absolute glass cannon with high mobility. Her skill will need to be changed, but fliers often go off on their own anyway due to their mobility.

Lily: 80% HP, 15% Str, 60% Mag, 50% Skl, 30% Spd, 25% Luck, 30% Def, 30% Res; Total 310. Reliably hits once for heavy magic damage while, but more skillful enemies may end up landing a critical hit against her doing heavy damage. Her skill should probably make enemies more prone to attacking her due to how big her true form is.

Yeah, kinda forgot about that function, too used to Fire Emblem not having it, and I don't like using it anyway.

Enemy defense in Chapter 1 is really high, to the point that Violet can barely damage them. Also, one of the lancers was able to double Elise. I think you got the Hard and Lunatic difficulties mixed up, Chapter 1 of Hard was much more difficult. It would also be nice to have an opportunity to save after curing Violet and Elise, just so you don't have to spend time re-doing what is more or less an interactive cutscene (I don't even think it is possible to lose) if you lose in Chapter 1 (like what happened to me when I got crit by the boss).

Chapter 2's alternate shop is unavailable despite defeating the merchant's guard and getting the money. Is this a lunatic change or a bug?

This is a good start with a unique premise, but the RNG can be frustrating. I was almost done with Chapter 1 when the boss got a crit against Maia, killing her instantly and giving me a game over. Units either need more luck to combat enemy crit rates or critical chances need to be lowered overall, otherwise having a unit take a crit to the face is an inevitability. With critical hits doing triple damage, most units will just die through no fault of the player (Maia had the best luck but it wasn't enough). Targeting is frustratingly slow due to having to scroll through tiles in an unintuitive manner, and it doesn't default to enemies in range. I don't understand why it's like that when staves work how you'd expect. I'm also worried that the incredibly high growth rates of the playable characters will cause horrible difficulty balance due to the possibility of being blessed or screwed by level ups, especially as you turn up the difficulty. Hard mode actually seems pretty balanced aside from this at the moment and I hope it stays that way, and I hope to see creative and challenging maps in the future.

Height stage 2 is bugged and the descriptions automatically use the starting height of "short"

Found a game-breaking bug in the newest version. I turned off the light spell during the slime hunt on the 17th of Spring, and after the fight I was warped back to my room, the night time slot was skipped, and I was unable to move come morning. Worse yet, the game seems to have autosaved, meaning the file is hardlocked, and the hour I'd spent to get there was wasted. And before you ask, I did use the desticker, and while I was able to move a tile, it did not free my movement, and I don't have the patience to force myself all the way to a loading zone only for it to likely not work.

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Found two bugs.

First, the timer doesn't turn off upon completing the maze.

Second, ran into a crash with the following error.

Third, I tried brute-forcing the cafe puzzle but nothing seemed to work.

Any plans to make the currently Patreon-exclusive stuff available on Not for free of course, but as a one-time payment that grants you access to said content.

The Health+ license that supposedly unlocks a job currently does nothing, plus the final one doesn't boost intelligence.

This will also make it easier to raise skill levels for crafts. Speaking of, I can't find copper anywhere, plus I think I screwed myself out of onions.

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Have a day activity where you can take it easy for a small mood boost. The way the new update limits mood gains to ~5 a week without perks early on is less than the cost of doing anything. You also need to keep in mind the emotional flaw which makes you lose at -50 mood.

As for going back a version, I momentarily went to 0.36 before going back to 0.35.1, which is the version I started playing at.

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Just finished "The Letter" and let me tell you that 4 save slots are not enough for what comes next.

Spoiler below, translate from Russian if you dare.

Я думаю, что Ника - клон мисс Браун, хотя и неполный. Кроме того, слово «раб» имеет темное значение, поэтому либо английский не является вашим родным языком, либо что-то не так с церковью / культом.

I went back a version, managing Mood in this new version seems nearly impossible even with the Gregarious and Talkative perks.

Helena does not have a chat option.

The lit-up version is much more noticeable, but still not obvious at a glance.

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Did a bit of research. 30 kg is noticeably underweight for 130 cm, yet 130 cm is also in the average range for height of a ten-year old girl. Nikaz does not look malnourished, and if she was, she would probably be shorter due to stunted growth. She doesn't look particularly skinny, either; just a bit slim. I was looking into it because I wanted to suggest having wellness affect the speed and result of Nikaz's growth. I'd use a bell curve for determining how much each point of wellness is worth (basically, you choose a value that is has the biggest effect and have diminishing gains the further you are from it), as well as having a hard cap where extra points stop having an effect (maybe around 300?)

Also, I know the guidebook says that it is impossible to ever get over terrors, but perhaps have killing them reduce the mood penalty from them. After all, the knowledge that they can no longer hurt anyone should at least give some level of relief. I admit this was taken from Eternal Darkness, where performing a finisher on an enemy restores part of your sanity meter.

There's literally an NPC chopping wood in Riverstone already in the game, maybe have him sell wood?

Love how I've been called a butcher despite 97% of my battles not involving humanoids.

Legitimately cannot find it, even zoomed in. Are they meant to appear after only three room transitions? It made getting the Fire Bloodstone far more difficult than it would have been otherwise. On the topic of Ghouls, consider renaming them Wraiths due to their ability to walk through walls as well as putting them on the front layer so they aren't obscured by the terrain.

Please make it easier to get wood. It's the only material that you need to dedicate a day to gathering, maybe add a woodcutter NPC that sells wood?

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Ghouls have Noclip enabled. They're already nearly impossible to spot first in the darkness, and now this BS. You can't even fight them without being stupidly overpowered. I'm also still getting a mood penalty from killing animals despite having killed 50+. Great Coordination Lv.1 increased my max wellness level to 10 despite not having taken the perk.

The unintentional thing is that the MC is listed as "Hero" rather than whatever their status page says.

Don't think this is a bug, but I definitely don't think it's intentional.

I'm recruiting people into my party and the game is acting like I'm calling them (I don't even have a radio) and am saying I am at 0.

The area around Markus' house has 3 wolves but the battle only has 2.

The tutorial says that the run key is R but it is actually W,

1. Option to either wait or defend in combat. It would make it easier to raise weapon ranks that way.

2. Crafting should improve your skill level in something, even if not as much as training with a teacher. Maybe a similar system to other games where higher-level recipes grant more skill EXP?

3. Stat progress early game is pathetically slow, practically requiring at least one level of the fit perk in order to do anything in a meaningful timeframe.

4. Consider using AI or default RPGMaker assets for characters as placeholders. It would greatly benefit the atmosphere to not have stick figures for portraits.

Loading a game after soft-resetting by hitting F12 causes the game to crash with an error saying: 

"Script 'FontBitMap' line 375: SystemStackError occurred.

stack level too deep"

Note that being returned to the title screen after dying or quitting from the pause menu does not cause this error.

I have a pretty big issue with the game's combat. Not only is what you need to press to guard ever mentioned as far as I know, there is no way to practice with the sync options. The one time I was able to get the stupid thing to work was during the event when you need to guard a villager from a bandit's attack.

New issue, approaching any enemy other than the slime girl gives a "scene not available for transformation" notice and won't let me fight. Same for giving the cow girl to the hydra.


Version 0.1.8 bug; mysterious key is available from the start of the game.

Is there a version where the player gets to be the futa?