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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Or did the item just not list any modifiers on the stat screen?

This one. I’m pretty sure I picked up some rings/needle weapon etc that said things like “Multishot” or other modifiers when on the ground, but when I double checked in the inventory it doesn’t show that.

Very cute art! I like the concept, but it was a little confusing/frustrating that the areas randomize every time you enter them (including the traders), so whether or not you find the right trader you need depends entirely on RNG. At one point I needed a pebble but for the life of me could not find a trader that would give me one.


  • when you pick up a ring/item the description isn’t shown in your inventory so you can’t see what effects it has. It’s also a little hard to read the description in the first place
  • if you get enough extra jumps (I don’t know how I did it but probably through a ring) you can accidentally jump out of the map and fall indefinitely
  • movement is a little too floaty considering there are platforming bits
  • flying enemies are somewhat hard to fight in the beginning when you have no extra jumps since there’s no way to attack upwards
(2 edits)

I am bad at this game but it’s my own fault :P It’s fun to experiment with different enemy types and decide on strategies to get $$$ without dying.

Also idk if it’s because I don’t usually play these types of games but I found WASD + space + mouse is a little awkward for dashing, not sure what the alternative would be though, right click?

Interesting idea! Can’t seem to figure out how to finish the “quest” you get at the beginning though (I assume it’s a quest), I made a bunch of matches but it doesn’t seem to have done anything. Also, it’s slightly annoying when the match 3 menu disappears when the target moves away (though it makes sense thematically).

What a cute game and heartwarming concept! The music is great and the art is gorgeous (esp the sky-themed bgs and the character design!). Shame about the bugs, but I would definitely play a polished version. Great job!

This is a great (and hilarious) concept and I love the character art! I’m not good enough to beat the third level yet but I’m going to keep trying >:D

Cute art! I like the alliterative title and the overall theme. The dreaming parts felt a bit short (like you couldn’t get enough points to cover the nightmare phase) – more clouds or faster movement would probably help there. The double jump felt a bit awkward - I kept trying to jump again while I was higher in midair but it only seemed to work if you clicked space twice without any delay. It felt like it required a lot of precision because of how slowly the pillow moved. Different levels would have been fun too. Great idea though, nice job!

Cute concept, would love to see more!

Thanks for the reply! I’ll keep an eye out on the Discord then! ^^

Pretty fun! Music is rad, and I like the overall theme. Couple of thoughts:

  • Having some visual feedback on the character sprite when you get hit or differently colored damage indicators would help, otherwise you always have to look at the health in the corner to check where you’re at
  • I found it kind of awkward to upgrade things in the middle of so many enemies, either I have to pause or stop attacking to click on them. Maybe having some pauses between enemy waves would make this more natural
  • I survived for about 3 min before dying, but my score is still zero! I assume this is a bug, unless killing enemies doesn’t give you points
  • I like the art and animations, but it’s a bit pixellated on my screen, would be nice for it to be scaled up a bit so we can properly appreciate them :)
  • This was probably not included for time, but having item descriptions on hover would be nice instead of having to check the item list below

Hello! Is it possible to run this on Mac? I see the dl link’s marked as all platforms but I only see a .exe file in the folder.

This looks very cute, I love the art! However, I can collect hearts and wool but I don’t seem to be able to buy or craft anything with them. Maybe I’m missing something?