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A member registered Jun 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Sorry, I could not see it. You can come to the game Discord: , or post an image via a share platform ( ) for instance.

Thanks again for working with me, if we find the issue, I could make my game easier to play for you and other players !

Hello ! Sorry for the fail. It is a Java Game, and I don't think I developed a virus (but this is what every virus developper would say :D ). Could you please tell me what antivirus software detected a virus ? 

Hey Arsray, thanks for your comment, I am glad the game has pleased you !

It's good hardware for sure ! Ok, I really have a problem : my shaders do not compile. I am sorry to ask that, but if you can do it, it will help me a lot. In the folder where you unzipped the game, there is a "logs" folder. It should contain a "game.log" file. Could you please send it to me ? If you are a Discord user, you may use my Discord server : Otherwise, you can mail it to me at franzoar(at) (replace (at) by @ ).

It seems that shaders can not compile on your side. What configuration do you have, especially your graphics card ? If you want to send me this in private, you may : use my mail : franzoar(-at-) (juste replace (-at-) by @ ).

Hello, and sorry for the errors. Could you please tell me what errors did appear on your system. By the way, did you download the Windows or Linux version ?

(1 edit)

Hello Dějiny. First : thanks for your quick return ! It is very valuable for me !

Glad some upgrades fit you : you sent me a lot of ideas for last release and a lot of upgrades are here thanks to you !

  • You are right for centering units from panel, arrow on edge of in game briefing, next buttons on campaign screen : I will work on it.
  • You remarked that buttons do not give any feedback in last release, and I have not worked on it :( . I have a Trello for this, but did not do it :( .
  • Typo is corrected (sorry). It will be released in v0.12
  • For geographical names, ok, it should appear on battlefield when zoomed out. MMMhh I must think of an ergonomic way to do it.

Thanks again for all your reports.

By the way, I have seen a new version of "Manor", and I would like to test it. I will do it during my end of year holidays (it is a promise !!!).

Have a nice evening !


Hihihi oui, c'est du bug-driven-design :D
Merci d'avoir persévéré !

Merki !
Oui, il y aura des chapeaux , et des armures pour les chevaux !
Hein , on s'en fiche ? Y  a pas de cheval dans le jeu ? 
(trop tard, franzoar a pris la caisse et est parti en sifflotant ....)

(en vrai merci pour les infos techniques, je vais tenter de reproduire le problème).

Rarrrrggg.... le bossE de fin n'était pas assez méchant pour toi ! Je m'en vais faire un DLC pour te VENDRE de la difficulté à prix d'or. Le DLC sera vendu 60% du prix du jeu, et toc !
Pour les écrans qui sortent du jeu, chuis un peu embêté : le jeu est truffé de bug mais celui-ci n'est pas voulu :( .
Si tu peux me donner ta résolution d'écran et ton navigateur, ce serait topito (je pourrais peut être reproduire ce bug et le dégager). Mais sinon, ce n'est pas grave .
Merci pour le test en tous cas !

(1 edit)

Yo Isator ! Tout d'abord , bien joué d'être arrivé aussi loin. Le niveau 3 est ... impossible :D
Du coup, il faut profiter d'un bug du jeu pour le finir. Allez , un ptit indice en forme de référence : pour sauver ta peau, tu dois mourir.

Par contre je ne suis pas sûr que tu aies envie de recommencer les ignobles niveaux 1 et 2 pour tenter de terminer le jeu  Je ne t'en veux pas si tu ne recommences pas hein ? :)

MMhhhh quand j'y pense, c'est vraiment tordu le coup du niveau 3. Je vais modifier ma description pour que les gens puissent finir plus facilement.

Merci pour le retour en tous cas !

Les mines de la Mittérandie m'ont fait rigoler (du coup j'ai complètement raté le niveau). Merci pour ce moment de ludo-bureaulogie !

J'ai passé un bon moment sur ce jeu ! C'est un scandale pour un jeu de la Make Something Horrible !! :P
Je me suis même lancé comme défi d'obtenir la vraie fin. C'est fait, et ça valait le coup!
Franchement, c'était cool, et je trouve que les boss et les niveaux sont bien équilibrés : c'est pas facile, mais jouable avec de l'entraînement. Bravo !

Merci pour cette balade musicale, et ce gameplay qui m'a fait demander : mais où est le gameplay ? :D
Du coup, pour moi, ç'a été une expérience vidéo-ludique transcendante !

Content que ça t'aie plu ;) !

J'ai bien aimé le principe ... dommage que tu n'aies pas eu le temps d'aller aussi loin que tu le voulais. Bon courage pour les prochaines jams, et félicitations pour Théo !

It is very kind of you to answer my post. All answers fit me. I like a lot that you try to make Manor a game that is historically acurate. I think that it as a good way to make people discover a history they do not know : in France, central Europe history is not well known, for instance. It is sad, but, it means that we have a lot to learn with your game.

  • About mid term and long term objectives, yes , I thought "as player". If mid term and long term objectives are not implemented or even thought yet, I understand. BUuuuuuut ! Tell me (or tell us, the players) if these kinds of objectives are designed or implemented. I must admit I like strategy games to accomplish objectives, so it interests me a lot.
  • About strategies, sorry that you must learn more about emphytheutic laws (okok, I have copied-pasted the word from your answer, I am unable to write it :) ). But, I would be happy to learn more about it.
  • About future of the games, I have some ideas, but that would reflect my vision as a player, which may not be the good one. Hmmmm let me think. The game gives you the role of a manor lord. For me, a game must be fun and rewarding (when you accomplish your objectives) , so (Warning : it is only my opinion ! ), as long as the manor lord has a fun and rewarding life, game will be good.

I have another question. These kinds of posts reflect a discussion between you and me, but I think it may interest other players of Panství . Does it fit you if we continue discussing like this of your games ? (otherwise, I will send you direct messages through reddit, apparently does not allow direct messenging ).

(I have not worked a lot on my game, due to my real work, but I will be able to code in august  : I will tell you as soon as another version is ready.)

Hey, I have (at laaast :D), played Manor. It was fun. As promised, here is my feedback :

What I have liked :

  • I have not been able to reach a positive income ... but it may be because I am bad:D . Game is not so easy, and it is good like this.
  • It reminds me of banished : you manage an ancient town, you do not manage directly your townsfolk, and it looks like a living city.
  • nevertheless, game is original : it is refreshing to play. You do not lead your village by saying : this constructs there, etc ... but by acting like a noble of this time.
  • we can learn about words and history of central Europe.
  • townfolk names make village more living.
  • it is easy to see vacant positions.
  • landscape that change during seasons are a good idea.

What I did not like or did not understand :

  • hat are the mid and long term objectives ?
  • are all strategies good (sell your lands, or keep them ) ?
  • will your choices influence other cities ?
  • how do we repair the mill ? By increasing maintenance ?

It is a good start, now I am curious to see where you will lead the game : more interactions with your folks, your churches, your manor (in fact more micro management) ? Or more interactions with surrounding villages, princes or kings or armies (more macro management) ? Both directions would be interesting, but it might be something completely different. If you can tell me (us), I am interested.

If you want a more detailed advice on a point, I would be glad to give it to you !

Well, it seems that we agreed on micromanagement AND day format !

Thanks again for your Thoughts. I hope the next update won't disappoint you (I promised a lot, now, I must implement all these things on my Trello ... ).

Ps : I must admit I have not played Command Ops 2 and Graviteam Tactics : Mius Front. I had a look on Graviteam, but I will watch these games more precisely.

Hello Dějiny !

First, I thank you for having played my game, and I am absolutely sorry for the BSOD. I have had some BSOD with my game, and an update of videocard driver made them disappear, but I did not think it could happen elsewhere. I have updated game page to warn users about it. Let me answer your question :

  • When started, i don't have the window centered and fully maximalized. There si a margin on the right and on the bottom. I don't know, if it's specific to my system, but i don't have this problem with any other game.

It is not specific to your system, I have had a little trouble with full screen display, and did not implement a good fullscreen. I will work on this issue.

  • The buttons should give you at least a little bit of feedback, when pressed (coloring, shading, sound or something). They also should be graphically distict from non-clickable text (For example, in the reserves recruiting window, there is no sign, that the word Recruit is actually a button.)

You and me can sum up this quote as : graphic user interface is bad. Hey, it's not mean to say it : I lack graphist or ergonomit skills. And reserves recruiting window is awful. I have a task to improve it, in next next release (v0.12), but I will work on it for next release (v0.11).

  • You can select individual battalions, but an order given to it always apply to the whole regiment. I know, that the tutorial says, that each regiment commands its battalions independently, but the possibility to select each battalion makes it counterintuitive. And actually, when having only a handful of regiments, the general should be able to give specific commands to individual battalions, according to the common rule of commanding "two levels down". If not anything else, there should be a possibility to detach a battalion and use it for some special action, where you don't want to use the whole regiment. But i'm pretty sure, that you are going to add more ways to specify the order, than just three types of movement, and some battalion usage specification could be among that.

I am sorry if this answer will disappoint you, but no, general will not be able to give specific order to individual battalions. I want to bring a real time strategy game that does not rely on micro managing player skills, and if I allow players to select individual battalions, there will be more micromanagement. Buuuuut, yes, you could split (and merge) your regiments during battle. You are not forced to believe me, but I coded this functionality one year ago. It was buggy, and I thought : ok, no one will need that anyway. Guess I think at least one person needs this :) . I will recreate the task to split and merge regiments. But I must add that a player might maybe be limited in the number of regiments it commands. This could be reflected by the number of officiers a player has (and pays)...This will not be on next release, but planned for v0.12 or later. 

  • I would prefer, if there was one keybind to make the time faster and one to make it slower. Not just one cycling through all speeds.

I agree, next release will have this and an icon bar (woooh, so luxurious :) ). 

  • There should be possibility to close the briefing window in battle. It obstructs the screen a lot.

You are right too, and other users complained about it : I will do it for next release (v0.11).

  • There is no briefing in "super-fight" campaign.

Sorry, there are a lot of campaigns that I left for test purpose. It looks like a draft, I will write at least a briefing about it.

  • The window with info about selected unit has a slight typographical issue: there are spaces before colons, but not after colons.

Well seen (I could have played for hours without getting this bug).

  • I don't like the time format XXDXXHXXM very much. I would consider using classic XX:XX for time, so with days maybe XXD – XX:XX?

Yes : XXDXXHXXM is technically right, but absolutely ugly for a graphic user interface. XXD - XX:XX is cool, but looks technical too. Let's say : 'Day XX - XX:XX' for the display ? 

  • I'm not sure if this one has some connection to the game, but one time when playing, I got a "Video scheduler internal error" BSOD. I never got this one anytime before.

It could have connection to the game (unless it happens frequently on your computer). I am absolutely sorry for BSOD, especially if it made lose some work or time :( . For me it happened some times until I updated videocard driver. 

I'm looking forward to the next update!

That's very kind of you. And this is important for me. I thank you a lot for having played my game, and having taken your time to write this review. I will be glad to continue discussing with you. Feel free to message me. 

An ancestor of the modern wargames is the Kriegsspiel (Krieg for war, and Spiel for game), a Prussian game. 

Kriegsspiel was one of the first known games, to try to simulate battles with a board, tokens and a set of rules, dices ... 

Wikipedia will talk better than me :

And yes, 7 years war is an European war, but battles were led outside of Europe (in North America, and India). It took place between 1756 and 1763.

So, to sum it up, my game tries to offer a game like Kriegsspiel (but in real time), and simulates battles during 7 years war.

If it is not clear, feel free to ask me !

OUuaaais, je sais, mon commentaire arrive un peu tard. Mais ce jeu là ... franchement, je ne l'ai jamais vu ailleurs (peut-être que je me trompe hein ?), et il a du potentiel vidéoludique, je trouve (peut-être que je me trompe aussi).

Concept seems original to me, very nice game : it maybe lacks some explanation for reflection/diffraction mechanisms (and more levels). Well done for the idea et l'exécution!

(vf) J'ai trouvé le concept original, et le jeu très sympa. Il manque peut être quelques explications sur les mécanismses de réflection/diffraction (et plus de niveauuuux !! :D ). Bien joué pour l'idée et l'exécution.