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A member registered Oct 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Good Game! It would be better to change the game controls.

These character designs are hilariously good!

Love the wall jumping and the extra detail of adding sparks when sliding against the wall.

Thank you :)

Simple and effective

That's a nice little puzzle platformer about future planning!

What a great and unique puzzle trying to test your spatial reasonings! As challenging as it was I managed to beat all of the levels with satisfaction! Good job!

Beat through all of the levels and What I will say is "what an interesting game concept". Having to work with two different characters simultaneously each having their own strengths and weaknesses and having to make a connecting so you can have them swap places is an interesting twist on the game.

What an interestingly unique puzzle game, I like the gameplay, I like the colors and the music!

(1 edit)

I'm done and here's what I think of it...

Suggestions: Have there be more guns in the game for there to be more variety when playing the game overtime and to also make up your own loadout. Not have a limited or shared capacity of ammo for all guns. Make objects glow yellow when holding the gravity gun. Hopefully have Salvador tell you the controls and tutorials other than physical pink billboards.

Recommendations: make the death/game over screen be instantaneous. Have punching be RMB and have grabbing be the F key (or Make bindable keys). Have my character not bounce off the walls when dashing. Have the ground pound work for the C6 explosive pellets. Have there be audio cues for when the MANU cannon is firing so I'll know when to dash.

I like this game and it's gameplay aspect overall and hope to see more come out of it. Thank you :)

Sure will do! :)

ok I'm thinking about doing a video on this though :)

is there no NDA on the demo?