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Frederic Filosa

A member registered Apr 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi, Thank you for playing and your feedback ! :)

Also thanks for confirming that it works on Windows. Like always, I submitted during the last minutes, and at 1am I made my mistake: I submitted the "browser playable" version with a zip file containing only the index.html, without all the game data. Fortunately I had uploaded the other versions, but since someone said that the executables didn't work, I began to think that nobody could test the game ^_^;

I'll play and rate Mini Sandbox Universe too !

Hi, Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it :)

I designed the game so that the skills are introduced progressively, and at what I think is the right moment (heal after big fight, AOE just before encountering many enemies), but I got feedback that the game becomes too challenging too soon. Just like with the speed of your ship, I thought that the difficulty of my game was ok when I played it during development. 

Lesson learned: if the game that I'm making seems ok but a bit challenging, it's probably too difficult for the ones who will try it. I wish I had time to create more powerful enemies for the end game, because right now it might be quite difficult at the beginning and too easy at the end.

Nice game. I tried it on Mac.

The concept is cool, graphics, music and SFX too, but... the core mechanic (flying the ship) was a bit broken. As it was said in the other comments, the ship speed and rotation are too fast, it's quite difficult to go where you want, especially when the target is moving as well. Also, can we slow down the ship by pressing the "S" key? It didn't work for me so I had to rotate the ship then move in the opposite direction.

My advice for your next game: focus on the core mechanic, what the player is gonna do 80% of the time. When that part of the game feels good, then you start adding more content. (oh, and I must remember to apply that to my own games too! :)

Hi, thanks for trying. Sorry to hear that the game doesn't run at all. Which platform did you try (Windows, Mac, Linux)?

If it really doesn't work I'll remove that executable, so that people don't waste their time.

Thank your for playing! Haha... yes the hammer should have been after a longer "tutorial" zone that make use of the dash (or "dash + move + dash again"). But... as always, I tried to do too much stuff and didn't have time to make real content at the end of the jam. Next time I make something smaller but way more polished. Thanks for your patience :) 

I didn't find any game of yours to play/rate but if you make one, please tell me and I'll give some feedback too. :)

Thanks for playing and your feedback! I'll work on the controls for the next one :)

Thanks for playing and the feedback. Much appreciated! :)

I also tried to play your entry "A-DEV-ENTURE", but I'm using a Mac and you only uploaded for Windows. Maybe for your next game... ;)

Thank you for playing! The initial idea was to make a metroidvania containing 4 areas (game idea, programming, art, music) with a boss fight for each. Obviously, since I'm still learning how to make a game that was impossible. I spent a lot of time making one boss fight and only had a few hours to make rush the content before it. The result is a mediocre platformer full of bugs as you correctly said, but I learned so much during that week that it was totally worth it :)

By the way, I wanted to play/rate your game but there was only the Windows executables and I'm using a Mac. If you have time for your next game, please also compile for Mac or at least WebGL. m(_ _)m

Thanks for playing! I'm glad there is at least one person who could reach the boss, since I spent half of the week making it :)

I'll try to reduce my ambitions and actually make a full game next time.

Thanks for playing!

And good job on your typing game too. "Typing our own games is easier than we think" :)

Thanks for playing and giving feedback!

I tried my best to make myself as much graphics, sound and music, without relying on third party free assets, but... sound was more difficult to make than what I expected and music, well, I didn't have time to make music. Next time I'll focus less on the features and make time for sound and music.

I'll test and rate your game too! :)

Thanks for playing and your feedback!

The dash has a short cooldown and is designed like in Hollow Knight, meaning that you can't control the player during the dash (like you suggested). The gravity is also disabled during the dash. If it didn't work that way when you played, there's probably a bug.

I'll play and rate your game too in a few hours. Thanks.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

Got it. Next time I'll make sure players can easily customize their keys/input.

I'll play and rate your game too :)

Thanks for playing! :)

I wanted to make more "well designed" areas but I spent so much time building features and the final boss' attacks, that I only had a few hours to make the main area and properly test it. I'll do better next time.

Hi! Cool mini game. I think it just lacks something to motivate the player to go further. Maybe something like a high score (max number of games reached) displayed somewhere... or maybe have more difficult enemies spawning the more games you complete...

If you have time, here is my entry (doesn't seem to work in the browser but windows or mac executables should be fine). Have a good day! :)
