Note: When using Ozmoo on C64: If you save the game using one Ozmoo build, and try to restore that save using a different Ozmoo build, you can expect it to either work perfectly OR crash the game - it depends on the code size of the two builds. The more features you enable, which weren't enabled in the original build, the less likely it gets that you can restore an old game save.
If you still have problems, please file an issue at and we'll have a look.
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Thanks @improvmaster!
One way to make a game playable online is to upload it to anywhere where you can get a URL to the game file that works from anywhere, and use to launch the game. The URL you then get in your browser can be used to launch the game for anyone
If the original game loader was built with Ozmoo, you can just:
1. Build your own disk image using Ozmoo Online, without a loader
2. Rename the file "story" on your disk image to whatever the bigger file on the official Ghosts disk is called
3. Copy the loader file (the first PRG file on the original Ghosts disk) to your disk image
4. Make sure the loader file is the first file in the directory of your disk image.
If you're on Windows, you can use DirMaster to do step 2,3,4.
I'm thinking a lot can be done with subtle things, like you notice a man walking across the street wearing a suit and socks, but no shoes. Follow him to unveil a mystery. Did someone force him to go out without his shoes? Is he acting out of fear? And once you figure out what's wrong, how can you help?
The rules require contestants to provide the game in Z-code format.
We are aware of the current problems with borogove.
If you just need a place to host your Z-code file for the judging period so you can point Parchment to it, drop me a mail (see organizer's mail address on jam page) and I can provide a solution.
Good question.
If you feel like you don't remember the basics, maybe go through the tutorials linked on the homepage.
If you look at your old code and there are just a lot of properties, attributes and whatnot that you're not sure what they do, look them up in the quickref document.
I wish there was a comprehensive manual that explains PunyInform from the ground up, without relying heavily on the Inform 6 documentation, but unfortunately we're not there yet.
The jam has ended, and all votes have been recorded. Final standings:
1. Morris by Dee Cooke, 4.417 points
2. A Once In a Lifetime Opportunity by Interpied, 3.373 points
3. Face Your Fears by Sijnstra, 3.300 points
The maximum score is 5. The submissions got 9-12 votes each.
Look out for post-jam versions of the games, with bug fixes and other improvements.
Many thanks to all participants and judges!
We now have another prize in the prize pool:
- A retail (physical) copy of the PunyInform game Hibernated 1 Director's Cut for the platform of your choice, including shipping (Warm thanks to PolyPlay / Puddle / Stefan Vogt!)
PunyInform v3.1 was just published.
Among other things, this release has a new document, a PunyInform Quick Reference. To learn more about this, see
Except for this the new release contains some advanced new features, along with lots of bugfixes and optimizations.
Welcome participants and possible participants! It brings us great joy to see there's so much interest in this jam.
There's still a month to go before the jam starts. If you're planning on writing a game for the jam, and you're not currently an expert PunyInform developer, we recommend you start learning the language and library right away. It's a powerful system and the better you know it, the better your chances of making your game great. Also, it's fun!
We have just added a prize to the prize pool: A new, signed paperback copy of the book Twisty Little Passages by Nick Montfort.
Didn't see this until now.
When building for C128, D71 disk image is the default target, but D64 and D81 are fully supported as well. And regardless of this, the interpreter uses 100+ KB of RAM for game data, and it can use an REU if you have one. Also note that the game starts on the screen (40 col or 80 col) that is active when you type RUN.
The results have now been included on the main jam page: