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A member registered Jul 10, 2020

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Will  a Roth Drone Mc and Roth Mistress  be able to be Co Parents in future? at the moment it seems like the game is treating them like separate species


So where in the timeline does this take place the impression I get is way before Humanity met the Cehphellusk

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I downloaded the latest update and have started a new save   and  have reached chapter 10  using skip mode   to bypass stuff i've seen. I can't  progress past the first camp map  i've spoken to everybody   and all I can do is go back to Batria or head back into the tower but the usual progress markers are not there 

If it  the  tutorial  you should have  only one location selectable  you should be able to click travel to destination or event (neither matters at this point) and go oh  and  check your ship assignements I think the tutorial forces you assign crew to stations  and tasks before you leave, if you've done all of  the above and it won't work then it's a bug or somthing and ya might wanna let the Dev know

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Ok I have played all the devs previous games thus far and Yet I am still left  in WTF mode with a goofy smile on my face and this one is just no different

Yeah I save before I request more crew and reload till I get ones who don't suck honestly it's the only way to get a semi decent crew at the start

I gotta ask this. How many people  restart  at the beginning because initial crew (sometimes including the XO)   are chock full of negative traits like inefficient,  Flighty Hotheaded etc? I especially hate it when traits turn up that lower attributes for certain Fields  or worse are useless  for that field  a scientist  with high stam low int with Jock for example. Is just me or do others feel this way?

I'm using Windows Defender and I didn't get any alerts about threats or anything do you know what files were removed, so  I can check whether this is happening to me or if this just a  progress bug

I was under impression that this was were the demo ends but is it a bug?

How do I promote my officers do I have  do so  at watch station or is this mechanic not implemented yet

Not  gonna lie a codex or somthing similar would be awsome in this game.  The world building  atm is like a perfect Full English breakfast and I only want more

So this game's pitch kinda paralells real life now that the real Vince is Gone Gone

Ta very much

Can you choose Greatswords at character creation or can you get one in game?

If you forget  the hint for  first code do you need to start again or is that separate to the y,v,e,s code? Cos i've tried every variant of "Eve" using the letters provided so I  think I'm looking at the wrong hint for the wrong puzzle

I  think the executble might be missing from the Itch app path  as it opens the folder and I have to open Fleshcult folder and then dubclick PLAY FLESHCULT app.  Just a minor extra step for me atm but since earlier versions booted pretty quickly via the launcher I figured I make you aware all the same

Nuff sed

Yeah looked into the error myself it's apparently  a known issue    I've followed the advice in this post so hopefully it'll be  sorted out soon   if  not i'll  bite the bullet and install winzip to download using my browser (personally I blame my overreliance on steam) cos I really wanna continue my romance with Eleanor thank you for your time!

I've also included the error log the app gave if it helps

I can't seem download  the game as there is no game for the app to find.   Usually the download file and version would be above the install path I thought it odd when you announced  the update that the game didn't update so  I  tried to reinstall and was met with this

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Nope i'm using the Itch PC download  App it's a been a good way of updating/installing  the windows version while maintaining my saves

when will ch8 be available on the itch app? I can't seem to install it there like I normally do and I really wanna keep my saves intact 

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Personally I want more Brittney Spears the ending to that last update was spot on!

You had me  at wrestling. Seriously  though y'know few story based games there are about pro wrestling only  SLAMMED comes to mind and that came out when WWE was only product on telly

The modelshoot  had me constantly  thinking of this gag from wrestl talk 

The Itch app still show a blank  space when I try  downloading the file the download button is appearing on the website now so i'm assuming it's an itch problem

I can't find any versions of the game to download on itch  Were the previous versions demos or something?

Thanks for the reply, the link you provided cleared up  a lot.  I'm guessing you're planning on adding that info in a later version of the game?  if you do may I  make a suggestion would  it be possible to add like a list of  all seen/previous  tutorials and such so players can read back at their leisure, an early issue I had was the splash screens fading too quickly but I was mostly  saved by Rollback  however  I had  to reload a save to double check that I understood the breakthough mechanic and a list or icon to replay the training screens  would be useful in future espcially with newer complex mechanics.

Right i'm off to continue doing Monky Monk shit keep up the good work

I keep on getting defeated by the first enemy I meet mostly due to lack of info.  Does the combat mechanics work  on Active Battle? (like the older FF games)   do I have to click the enemy till they die or is  auto battle where the only thing I manage is my stance?

Is the fist icon an enhanced attack with a cooldown or does it tell my character to attack?

For a  tutorial battle i'm given no helpful info other than I can change my stance and they do

I'd like to see more of this game as I was enjoying myself up to this point and the game has given me no indication that this is a unbeatable plot battle

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If I have a gripe about this game it's the constant need to for the character to wee all the time.  It's not just that i'm not into the kink it's that an extra meter to manage on top of an already grindy game. The main gameplay loop seems to consist of  sex act,  find ingredients, craft and wee  repeat, with little narrative plot  development and  few if any choices to that actually change our character or feel like progress.

That said I have not played in a while  and it looks  the game has had some updates so i'm willing to try this one more time  but given my issues seem to be with the games mechanics  and story i'm not holding much hope that this is for me

I have a few questions 1 In future updates will we be able to choose a section via our actions or stats?

2 Is there going to be a Star Ship Troopers style training arc  or  montage?

3 Does sarge follow Corp directive 5796? which states 'No officer above the rank of mess sergeant is permitted to go into combat with pierced nipples.  see link for source

I like like  most of what this game has to offer I do have a few problems however. Firstly the  "Hero" path which feels limiting and almost unbalanced sometimes  and as someone who plays 2 save files at the same time (the other being the badass route) I wish there were more things a Heroic Luna could do which doesn't make her come off like well...boring. Heoric Badasses are thing in fiction and the pure maiden thing the hero has goin on is kind of disappointing i'm hoping she will have a chance at romancing other characters in future a nice juxtaposition to the badass's fuck everybody attitude

Secondly and I understand  if this only tempory or limited due to resources but  can you maybe do something about the music? The few tracks which play in most of scenes stop and start so abruptly that it ruins the pacing of scenes almost to distraction so I play the game with music  muted

Apart from those criticisms I love the alt world you've built the I'm looking forward to future updates

Is anyone having lag issues when attemping to click icons? I've noticed  takes a few seconds (sometimes too long) before one will highlight and switching between save menu can take a while too. I played my fair share of games made in Renpy and have never encountered such laggy performance so I want find weather it's my laptop (running win 10) or some other performance issue 

Finished an entire file in one day my roof must be leaking cos water got in my eyes... no I wasn't crying shut up!!

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Is the lifepath coming back? I really enjoyed that, outside of Tyranny Or Dragon Age I can't think of a game that allows you to play out your backstory and allows it to affect the rest of the game

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I'm getting  alot of The Darkness vibes if anyone has played the games or read the comics, enjoying what i've played thus far

I will admit i'm pretty early in but I can't help but feel game is a commentary on bad YA and Light novels (particuly Iseki ones) hell even the protag points it out

Don't worry about it the only thing really knocked me outta the game me  Gordan Ramsey on Masterchef (he's on Masterchef US) and i'm a big Masterchef fan so was Kinda looking forward To John Torude and Greg Wallace (the comedy potential with either is huge). I'm fully aware you can't please everybody and you write with what you know and what you appear to know makes for a very funny and engaging game!

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I have a question, is this set in Englamerica  for comedy reasons? Cos this version of "England" reminds me of watching Yugioh back in the day  when they "localised" Domino City by replacing Japanese food with Cheeseburgers (the dairy makes it American)

In all seriousness tho No English teen orders Pizza and Natchos.  KFC (or your local knock off)  or  Chips with Curry trust me,  that said enjoying the game thus far