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A member registered Dec 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very interesting project!

Thank you. Yeah, the game is hard by design, haha. I don´t think I will work much on this version, because I screwed up many things you have to keep in mind, while delevoping for the Gameboy. For a sequel I would rather do something like a Gauntlet-type of game.

Your tutorial and explanations were easy to follow and very helpful. ZGB makes a ton of fun and I hope you keep working on it. Animated backgrounds and saving...a man can dream, hehe.

(1 edit)

Played it on the GB Pocket and GB Color and it looks super crisp at being 8x8, which is always a challenge on such a small screen. It also plays super smooth, Well done. Top Tier 1 port and one of the best submissions.

@Nekete: What do you mean by cloning the map? BTW: Your game looks awesome...

Thanks toxa for the replies...for now I will stick to my current idea. Maybe for another game I will try again to use tileset swapping...


maybe it´s not the right place to ask for coding help, but I´m kinda depressed (and annoyed), because. every piece of information I found  wasn´t  very helpful. 

My question: How can I change background tiles (with the ZGB Engine) of a level permanently? I looked at several examples / tutorials and the GBDK documentation, but nothing worked quite right.

My idea: I have a tileset, which has items as tiles. When the player sprite stands over such a tile and a button is pressed, the tile switches to another tile of the same tileset (an empty one) as if the item was picked up. I want to try this idea, because the sprite limit is giving me headaches. Ton of games use this trick (Tetris, Chessmaster, Castle Quest), but I am not skilled enough (learning C at the same time) to get it working myself. The important part is switching the tiles. I got tile checking already working (for example: stairs).  So I hope to find some advice (for codes or other places/forums to look/ask). Thank you! 

4MB Jam community · Created a new topic Gameboy games

I´m currently getting familiar with the Gameboy and would love to make a game for this jam with the ZGB Engine. Would running the game on an emulator violate the Jam´s rules?

This game screams for online leaderboards...

Cool game!