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A member registered Feb 20, 2014 · View creator page →

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This is a very interesting entry. I don't think I recall a game ever making me remember the answer to the previous question continually, definitely keeps the brain working! Keep on making games :)

(1 edit)

This is a great entry. One of my favourite arcade/nes games is bubble bobble and this reminds me of it so much. You definitely added a unique twist and it is fun to play with some well designed levels. I got a score of 14950 :) Keep on making games!

I couldn't quite figure this one out, but it looks like you had some good ideas behind the text based story adventure. Keep on making games!

Fun little puzzle game. Was quick to go thru but the later levels needed some thought :) Keep on making games!

Fun little game with the lisp machine! Some feedback would be to work on the controls and the game flow, it was a bit abrupt when dying haha. Keep on making games!

A good start to a tower defense in low resolution :) I got to 3.5x difficulty. Keep on making games!

This is a great entry. There's a lot of polish which really helps with the immersion. I liked the humour of the quests. Keep on making games!

This was a phenomenal entry that is very meta for this jam :) Could definitely be used as a way to teach functional programming/mindset if you carried on!

I liked how you built up your library of functions, but it made some of the puzzles confusing when you didn't have the right functions available. Some of them mentioned "you should solve x puzzles first" which was good, but I think blocking them out would have been more intuitive.

It also would have been nice to have a map to quickly traverse the puzzles.

Overall great entry, keep on making games!

Fun little game. Odd choice of keys for the controls, but they worked. I liked how you got a combo system in! Sometimes the shadows flickered which was a bit annoying.

Overall a good entry, keep on making games!

Agreed, you can duplicate on initial placement, but not on selection