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fuck off123

A member registered Oct 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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You open a thread and ask people of their opinion, when people disagree because this isnt suppose to be an easy peasy game, you insult them?

Maybe then can add an "easy mode", but if you just want everything spoon fed to you without any challenge where is the fun in a game then?

But thats my joke

woo i was used as an example picture! Thanks erik :D


only 5 max twitch clones spawned

Enemies that got spawned can now have an emote over them by typing a twitch emote in chat

Jetpack archers in twitch mode!

And a few updates / fixes etc

The game costs money because the dev needs money to continue working on this

No problem!

Haha xP no problem!

Even tried to get into the arena without activating the elevator via this bug. alas to no avail, so goodjob on patching the No AI glitch

So if you have the Kick upgrade, you can spam it while holding W against a wall and spamming jump.

It will refresh the jump and you will basically climb up any wall besides a few, like the ones in the elevator shaft. Which doesnt make it possible to do the disable AI glitch again

goodjob devs c:

Also, if you have Kick upgrade, you can spam it and it refreshed your jump. So you can get to places you shouldnt be able to get to!

I mean the diffrent-material bow upgrade is a good idea, make it with some other upgrades

and i feel like the reason you never see your hilt being cut, is because when both your hands are gone. Youre dead

so i feel like the devs didnt imploment a "destroyable" hilt


So if you walk against upgrade-bots arm, at about this angle

You can actually bug under his arm, get under the map and fall down until you get put back up!

(Thanks dev for the respawn barrier!)

But i mean your sword is out of laser / plasma

so it makes a bit of sense that it can reflect.

But your bow is litreally wood, and i feel like if their swords can cut through a metal robot, wood wont really stand a chance.

And i feel like bow shouldnt really have a block option since it should be used situational. Ofcourse on a bow only challange it might be intresting.

Lets see what the devs say

Well, how would you make it look?

Just the same animation with the bow instead or an actual animation?

Would it be an upgrade maybe to the bow?

I just cant really see a bow deflecting arrows

Sounds extremly fun, but i dont know how balanced the last one would be for example.

If our great devs manage to balance that though, it sounds fun!

Maybe a weekly-mode, where you can try once a week to get as far as you can and see leaderboards of the top10 people that week. It would be the same maps in the same order for everyone. Changes every week!

Ill actually quickly reply with a quote the developer did a few months ago when the forums were still new.

"we're considering a coop/multiplayer mode, however if it would get added it would be late 2017, since we are focusing on other things currently" -Doborog

(or atleast something like that)

Glad you enjoyed the game!

Had quite a few embarrasing deaths by this :/ Lets hope it gets fixed!

Now we have 2 community platforms!

Discord and reddit

(hi everyone who knew me btw)

Mine doesnt work for example.

Not everyone has a M3 button, so either you would be able to rebind it, or set it to another key

Looks pretty cool!

We reached the 10 people mark again!

Hope more people can join

Youll probably get to fight him in story mode later on

ok thanks

How did you even open dev console?

Nah i read it already

Nice 1 Frame per 10 seconds Lul

Oh yeah i remeber you posting that in discord!

Looks awesome. +1

Im trying to talk it out. But it looks like hes in his bubble thinking he did nothing wrong.

I dont care to be honest, if we talk it out or not.

I know he ruined something from me, so i wont trust him anymore!

(1 edit)

Lol "im verified 16" made me giggle.

You can still be really immature

And i dont have a dictatorship, i just have simple rules which most of people are okay to follow.

And thanks for calling me a she (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

wtf xD?

i blackmailed you into what? Please dont throw around words you dont know.

And ofcourse it was my discord? As i said, do you expect me to just give you everything and make you a God just because you said "hey lets make one!" and ofcourse it was my bot, because Sam asked me if he can make one....

I think he meant if he translates it, he asks for a free copy. Since 10 dollars is alot for him!

Atleast thats what i made out of the thread.

Im not trying to start any Drama!

But i think its just stupid that when i trust them. They backstab me and make their own server as-soon as they destroyed mine

you should probably write an email to them with a Translation. And ask nicely for a copy!

(1 edit)

>kicks everyone on my server and makes an own one. Goodjob

edit: then banned me when i joined

wow you guys are hilarous

Sorry everyone, i knew minecraft seppe cant handle his power correctly and apparently kicked everyone.

Feel free to join back!

I am really sorry