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A New Ability: Grenade!

A topic by waffles10k created Dec 19, 2016 Views: 517 Replies: 5
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To Bodely Toss 'Nades at your enemies

The Grenade ability is a fancy one. With the ability to toss stunning (Or deadlying) balls of explodey death at your Robot Robot Enemies.

Upgrade 1: Generic Mode

This ability, When you use it, means you toss out a small grenade for one energy. It behaves like a spidertron bomb. So it will help to rekt your enemies. Other than that it does really nothing.

Upgrade 2: More Kabang for your buck!

with this upgrade your grenades have a bigger blast radius. So you can hit all the evil bots coming for your robot face!

Upgrade 3A: Deadly Deathness

with this upgrade. Your grenades go from knocking robots back. To blowing them up!

Upgrade 3B: Clusterf-ck

with this upgrade. Your bombs launch smaller bombs when they explode. This upgrade makes it launch two smaller bombs. (Less blast area and not as much damage)

Upgrade 4B: Clusterf-ck 6000!

Now. Your bombs explode into 4 smaller bombs! So you can wreak even more havoc upon those innocent robots!

Well thats about all




Very nice idea although if that is the case then spidertron needs a revamp; either make a new spidertron 7000 or whatever and then they shoot one of those, i reckon it should be the small cluster one just so you dont die but get hurt still it does level it out!

Sounds extremly fun, but i dont know how balanced the last one would be for example.

If our great devs manage to balance that though, it sounds fun!

It's an interesting idea. Will have to think about if it has a place among the other combat abilities... :)

I feel like the kick does enough in stunning abilities, and the grenades get a bit redundant.

It would be nice to get some kick upgrades... hmm?