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(1 edit)

Thanks! I didn’t build a WebGL version because I didn’t know how to do that. Maybe I will look into it after the rate ended.

Here is mine, have already rated yours:

The game is really fun and innovative for only having 1 week. I had some problem with understanding the spawning mechanics but in my third try, I got it. I could really see this doing well with more troops and mechanics. Good job!

Thanks for the comment! I totally agree with you. After the rating ends I will make sure to remake the tower defense part. I sadly hadn’t enough time left to properly implement a balanced gameplay but I am working on it, thanks!

Thank you for your comment. The menu bug seems pretty weird because it’s a pop-up (you have to click the shop button for it to properly open) but I will definitely take a look at it thanks for mentioning!

Really impressive for one week. The pizzas sometimes bugged out when I threw them in the shaft (?) but everything else was fine.

For the pizza driving, I really like that the controls feel good (although I’m not sure what the bombs are for). Also thank you for making the turbo work when driving backwards; perfect game.

Here is mine, my first Jam game, so keep that in mind lmao:

Thank you for your comment!

Thanks for the comment, yeah I will take a look at that after the rating ends because I didn’t get it finished beforehand so thanks for pointing it out.

Really cool click and point adventure game. And really long for 1 week it’s really incredible. Some puzzles were harder than others (I still have no clue how the deer thing worked, I looked it up, as well as the matches part) but they were all fun. Sadly after the branching, giving the rope to Eli and going down crashed the game for me (There was a brown screen). It only worked when I didn’t give him the rope and went straight down.

The branching button was sadly not saved though so I didn’t get the second ending (as said, it crashed after giving Eli the rope). But I looked in your walkthrough and it’s just sad.

Really a hidden gem in this jam.

(1 edit)

Here is mine, I will play through and rate yours Edit: Rated

For such a time you had for the game, you made a really good and deep visual novel here. I really like visual novels so your game was no exception to it.

Here is mine, will comment on yours ;)

Nice game, didn’t make it the first try but the second worked, the storm theme nearly gave me a heart attack haha. One thing though: Please make the minigames respond when the key (‘e’) is pressed down and not when it’s released. That confused me at first.

Here is mine:

Neat game, gets chaotic realy quick and you run out of bullets sooner or later so your dodgin skill also has to be there. A simple score system would have given the game even more satisfaction. Also please play music earlier I nearly had a heart attack when I first shot without music and had no idea there were sfx.

This is a really good game. I don’t really find any flaws in it it’s just fun and looks good with that cute artstyle.

Didn’t understand everything in the beginning but after reading the controls started to work my way through the water. A calm background music would have been nice but what you did is really impressive for 1 week. I am not sure if the storm is that slow but I didn’t see it once. Won the game though and had a nice experience with it.

Played through the game once and won. Is a very nice game. Would be even better if you could buy stuff with the money but pretty good ;)

Just a quick mention:

I accidentally did not attach the .zip folder to the game when uploading it. I did not work anymore after publishing the game page so everything was finished before the deadline. Sorry for the inconvenience that seems to have been an issue of not sleeping at all.

Hey, thanks for the reminder. It was pretty late and I just so forgot to upload the file when publishing. Sorry for the inconvenience it works now

Hey sorry for the inconvenience. It’s now up I just forgot to upload the .zip file because I haven’t slept for a day. Again, I’m so sorry