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A member registered Feb 10, 2022

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Tks a lot for your review. Our idea was to let people get the story through funny mini-games and cutscenes, rather than competing for high score, so we intentionally not making it replayable or keep track of score. Maybe that end up make the game shorter than it should be. 

i enjoyed every moment of the game, short and entertaining.

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A fully polished game in 1 week, best game i played so far in this jam !

i love the idea, but the punishment for 1 wrong step is a a bit too high (2 to 3 rewinds), even though it's not entirely the player fault and yeah the rewind reset bug. At least i laughed at the rickroll room, good job.

Sorry i didn't expect ppl to comeback and replay the game. since we don't have many ending to begin with. Tks a lot for loving our game !

the idea, music and audio were really good, but i don't get why the story is narrated between abuser and victim, if i don't read your description before hand. It felt more like the main character is talking to an imaginary friend inside his head. Anyway, i'm always a big fan of story-driven game so great job!

i like the amount of efforts and contents you put in this game. It's unavoidable that game balance and controls are out of place with this much of work in just 1 week. Great work!

the UI and controls are solid. I'm impressed that you could pull this off in just 7 days. Great work!

very cute art, what a lovely game.

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i tried the game again and finally finished it. Idk what is the condition to turns it to the door as it should be in the first place but i spam clicked the whole room (i can't tell what is the kitchen in the room tbh :D) Anw good job i had fun.

nice initial concept with the music and art but i couldn't enjoy the game much since i'm too dumb to understand how the game works and stuck at the first level. Wish there are some tutorial or guidance at first. Overall good job :)

even though the game is unfinished, i enjoyed walking around aimlessly running around and read all commentaries in the room. Hope you could finish it some day and i can play it again :)

nice game, i love the cube spawning effect and game play mechanism. The control and camera view is a bit hard but i made it till the end.

oh i actually played your game yesterday too, i must forgot to leave a comment but the rating is there :D

nice game, pretty enjoyable gameplay, a good combination of arts, music & story. Although there are quite some noticeable bugs, like one that allow me to trigger multiple mines the same time and only have to fight 1 :D so i could made it to the end with 34 pts. Anyway, #EASTEREGG

nice art work and fun to play, well done :)

Please give us ur honest feedback :D

Here's our game :)

I love text adventure game and your story is quite enjoyable to read :) I was hoping there are more meanings for character stats & any other path you could choose tho D:

love the game concept and the narrative gameplay, well done :D

really cool game design, art and sound effect. The theme match perfectly well. I don't like the part where camera vibrate when you shoot tho, a bit annoying. Overall good stuff u made :)

thanks, glad you liked it :)

the gameplay is complicated at first few tries but then it explained itself. Really nice and enjoyable prop hunt game :)

really nice dream world you created. The art and music are pretty chill and enjoyable when combine it all together. The feather upgrade is neat, i spent 80% of the gameplay flying around :D. The binocular is interesting too. I would love to have some rewards when you do side quests and the ending is quite meh D:

if you have time, check our game and i play your :) 

nice game, the puzzle is interesting and quite fun to play. The movement and box interaction are somewhat frustrating tho D: