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A member registered Jan 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Amazing game, it's worth it to check

Nice feedback! If I have time, I will expand the game like in the description. For now, in 10 days, working and studding, that's my best. 


Nice game, a little "heavy" to control but a nice use of the theme. Yes, some sound design will do very nice in this project, but you need to remake a little the UI too. The crosshair is to small!

But a nice game overall, and you can do amazing things just changing the level design and the enemies. Nice work

First of all: Great Game! I love this genre and your idea of the theme is very good.

But you need to work your feedback for the players. I know, 10 days is very hard, but please continue this project. You have a nice game in hands!

This is e really hard game to understand, but I get it in the end. Nicely done, simple but whit a good idea and gameplay. I recommend you put some form of compass in the UI, just to better understand where you are and what you need to do. 

Good Game

I saw the bug before the end and fixed. The big problem is the balance, its all over the place I think. 

Thanks for play, glad you had fun :)


Really nice approach of the theme. The game is easy to understand, need some visual feedbacks but has a nice foundation. 

Job well done 

I recommends just to do "mixed team". Put come colors (like a circle on their foot) and make teams. Its easier to understand and give more gameplay focus.

But great game anyway, the combat system is the best I saw until now. 

Ops, my bad. But yet, really nice game dudette 😬

this is the best kind of violence there is: with no sense. kkkkk

Very well done! the game is really cool

This game is beautiful, super well balanced and really fun! Music, art, speed, everything is just right. 

Well done, great game

put like a pic in the I believe will help everyone

So... I have the WORLD RECORD!?



43 whit the medics :)

This is good? 

Nice to know. 

And don't worry about "don't know" something. You don't know yet. Continue the great work! 

Duuuuuuuude you made a full tatics game in 10 days!!! Its a simple game, but I am a programer and understand very well how hard is it. And its balanced, easy to understand. 

I just will ask to see the life ant atk for the things in games. But its a well done game. Great work!

The game is amazing, but I can feel lost all the time kkkkk. I know this is the challenge and its well done, but i recommend some map. This will help a lot.

And again, amazing idea. Really well done, perfect fit for the theme 

Well done, simple game, nice graphics. 

The gameplay its super easy to understand, but what is the relation whit the "Death is a new beginning"?

If you wanted to do more things, please, share your idea!

Super interesting game dude. And yes, very complicated to master, but easy enough to play. And nice idea too

kkkkkk Nice game! The story, music and scenario are perfect together. The levl design its really nice too!



Dude the level design its amazing! well done!

"gabrielgalam", just add me there

No, I dont know much of Unreal, I am more a Unity guy. This IA will need some "Manager IA", a lot of agents and lots of optimizations.  I have an "idea" how to do it, buuuuuuut I will need a lot of time and study. And understand better the tool.  

That AI, just to follow the player its easy, just ask to YouTube kkkk. Took me close to 2 hours I guess. 

But again, follow the tutorials, and adapt your needs. 


GODOT? Preciso tirar um tempo pra aprender. Ficou muito bonito dona Reny, muito bem bem feito :)

Feliz q vc pegou a ideia!

Sim, a vantagem do projeto é q ele é altamente personalizável e expansível. Seguindo o mesmo método, podemos acrescentar diversos minigames, diferentes áreas de estudos e decentes provas TB.

Vamos ver no que dá!

vlw cara!

10/10 vai ganhar a jam, se não ganhar é robado


muito legal cara, polimento até o talo, ta de parabéns!

Hey, tower defence classico aq!

Os graficos tão bem maneiros cara, mas o jogo ta com algums bugs. Gastem um tempinho nisso, e vocês vao ter algo bem divertido em mãos!

Hey o joguinho ta lindo! A ideia é bem simples e eficiente, nada de novo, mas com uma roupagem bem atrativa

Algumas perguntas e explicações estão cortadas, mas isso é tranquilo de resolver.

Continuem o bom trabalho :)

Parece bem legal. Eu vi o video, ta td explicado la, mas tenta gravar uma partida cara, pra dar pra entender melhor, mostras os jeitos de jogar e tal.

A arte ficou simples, super bem feita e facil de entender. Bem bom.

Brabo! Muito Bom!

Ideia fenomanal pessoal, facil de jogar e de entender. O unico ruim é que so da pra jogar uma vez né, mas pra mostrar e ensinar sobre o assunto ta fenomenal

Eu so aconselho a colocar uma legenda. Além de poder traduzir pra diferentes idiomas, a legenda sempre ajuda.

mas o jogo ta muito bom

Ta bem bonito pessoal, mas acho que precisa de um tutorial ou algo assim dentro, igual nas fotos. Não posso dizer que entendi como joga kkkk

Mas que ta bonito isso tá. Gasta um tempinho com isso, e vcs tem um super jogo na mão

A gente quase fez o mesmo jogo! KKKKK

Ta legal cara, o polimento ta fenomenal e a interação com o cenario muito divertida.

Mas tem muito texto. A ideia é boa, bem boa, mas vai colocando mais elementos aos poucos. 

Papeis menores, simbolos e não textos.

Trabalha assim, que o jogo vai fica do caramba!

Graficos exelentes msm em! a musica é um pouco repetitiva, mas não é ruim.

Bem gostosinho de jogar, com uns controles bem diversos