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GCK Devil

A member registered 92 days ago

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It took me a minute to figure out what you meant, but I managed to do it. I appreciate it. I'm far from tech savvy and I'm currently ill so I had to think for a minute until I realised simply opening two separate file explorers to drag n drop was all I needed, and it was the physical save itself, not the entire folder. Lmao. Thanks for the reply, my guy. 

Oh, so it's merely just the simple one that leads to her getting a dorm room? I thought there'd be a follow up date like actually going somewhere, I just wanted to ensure that dating Isabella doesn't conflict with it or helping cure Erika. 

I can't upload sync on this game on porngameshub, meaning I can't physically download sync to continue where I left off on the download link from your page.

Mega sad. Since that means having to restart and not having access to sabmods skillpoints, money, potions and stats increase. >.<   

I'd also like to inquire how to upload my data on the game downloaded from here as I can't figure out how to upload sync to transfer from pgh extract data to your downloaded file and upload my save. It's telling me I require a code and I'm unfamiliar with how to get aforementioned code. 

(1 edit)

Been meaning to ask, but does anybody know how to date mia? Do I have to not be dating isabella in order for it to trigger? Because my next two quests are to talk to varess and then the tournament starting, it says the last event for mia is dating, but I've yet to date her and am uncertain if it's an isabella clash since I denied her then played along, or if it's only started during the tournament. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Appreciate the reply. I can certainly understand that third-party sites may alter things for their benefit and whatnot, as I had similar issues using fap-nation when playing or downloading strive-conquest by "Strive-for-power". And had to download his direct link from for it to work fluidly. I'm not overly fussed about not being able to access them as I'm sure it's mostly cosmetic or miscellaneous features, at least, that's my assumption. But I still felt it valid to let you know in-case it was an issue needing addressing. I try to do so if I have any issues with games I play such as this, strive-conquest, corrupted kingdoms and Renryuu Ascension. All three of these are quite frankly some of my personal favourites. That being said, Thanks for the reply as well as the confirmation. And I look forward to the future updates. 

Hi there, Xiongmao, I just wanted to report on a couple bugs I've noticed with the introduction of the mobile phone icon as of the most recent update 0.40. 2 of the icons, specifically the ones showing an exclamation mark, have a habit of bringing up innumerable errors, thus making it impossible to remove the notification indicator whilst on there. I'm uncertain if this is an issue other people have when using web browser sites or if it's just me, but would you be willing to have a look at it when possible? I did mention it on the porngameshub site in the comments, however I don't know how often if at you you go on there. As such, I felt it prudent to inform you here instead. 

Have yourself a lovely day and please continue the good work.  

It's a random room event you find the paper in within a bandit fort. I found it after doing like 5 forts. So it still works, but it's just harder to obtain. 

Hi there, I was just curious, may I inquire as to when the next update will be being implemented and as to what it might contain? If you'd rather keep it under wraps, I can respect that, but if you don't ask a question, you'll never know the answer.  >:D

Thanks very much for the confirmation. I'm kind of a completionist so not being able to achieve it in the normal current update kinda threw me for a loop. That being said, I'm super stoked for all the future events and additions you'll implement. And I wanna say kudos for sticking it out as long as you have, I'm sure it's kind of mentally straining/Draining having to constantly code, update, implement new features and whatnot especially with some of the more aggressive or non-compliant and impatient playerbase. So I really appreciate all the effort you're putting in and all the details you add here and there. I've seen posts on google going back to like 2014 maybe further so you've been adding to the game over a decade and that's rare for a developer. So, truly, thank you for all you're hard work. Just try not to burn yourself out, and remember to take a break here and there. :D 

Disregard the question, It's still the same but found out via an event sideroom like the materials but as a green question mark.  So if anybody is looking for Cali, or can't figure out how to get her, buy bandit fort maps from store, keep completing them until you encounter the green question mark room that doesn't alter it's icon in close proximity. :'D 

Question: Does anybody know how to recruit Cali after the recent v0.9.0 update? Is it still a random bandit fort encounter for the note from slavers? 

I think I've figured it out. I think the downloads were bugged from fap-nation, but when I downloaded it from your download from from your profile, it's functioning as intended. I am able to both recruit and harvest leather and the like. So I think I'll keep an eye out for next update and download strictly from your profile from now on to avoid any future potential issues. Sorry for the trouble, chief.

I've also noticed I'm unable to assign anybody else to leather/Thick leather/Ancient bone and so on. Only my created character. 

I deleted and reinstalled, and started fresh, but while the recruiting is now working, I still can't harvest leather, thick leather or ancient bone on new game. Has there been a change to require certain stats or tools to harvest them? Because the bar isn't moving at all. 

This is what I see when I load the game. So I'm uncertain on if it's the correct one. Where as last time I installed via pixeldrain , This time I did it via mega. How would I go about removing it entirely and reinstalling? Besides from files to dump it in trash? So I can start from 100% fresh download? 

Sadly, I'm relatively new to pc gaming and unfamiliar with how to go about that. But, does that mean the issues I'm experiencing aren't a coded part of the game? And I'm the only one getting exp for scouting but no actual recruits appearing, and getting no loot from leather or bone harvesting? I just need to confirm that. 

Hi, I recently downloaded this for a second time to update, as I downloaded from fap-nation via megaupload. When playing, I noticed when trying to mine or recruit, I wasn't getting any results, and that my dungeons weren't disappearing after completion. I could even return to them and the option delete was there, but would remain unusable. I'm questioning if it's maybe because I accidentally downloaded a debug version? I can't recall if version 8.4 I had installed prior to deleting then reinstalling to upgrade to version 9.0 was debug version or normal version. Could anybody please clarify if that's an issue on my end or not? As even after deleting version 8.4 and reinstalling version 9.0 I still retained my previous saves from 8.4 but started fresh after the update to see the new changes in full effect. However that's when I encountered these issues. Thank you for your time. I'm hoping these issues (Assuming they're not from my end) are resolved relatively quickly. As I'm suffering slight withdrawal without being able to play this masterpiece with all functions working as intended. >.<

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@RyenSaotome I have a question, if I may. I'm going through the CG Scenes and noticed there's a Grey wedding scene but can't find information about how to access it. Is it prehaps set as a future update event and the silhouette and cg scene are just placeholders until they're implemented? Also, I sided with government for the rebellion but can't get a second quest to trigger via Sinrul, she repeats the same line of dialogue constantly. The dialogue in question goes as follows: "I'm very satisfied with how things are going, my group is growing nicely in influence and power" I sided with her and did the quest that followed, talking to mike, got the info, warned Sinrul, Awaited her return. But no bar scene has followed. How might I trigger this? Or was I supposed to side with the rebels to achieve that CG scene? 

Kind regards, An avid player of your game RenRyuu Ascension.