Hi Strive, I've been back playing for about the last week or two and Started a new game around 4 or five times, due to wanting to try out various races and see how it feels playing them instead of a human or demon. And I've noticed something about the vendor in Aliron, and that's that they sell no Ancient Jungle map scrolls anymore. Is this intentional, or have they perhaps been moved to the Elven Lands or can only be found in dungeons? As the only time I've found them are in dungeon chests, twice. I mainly ask, as I usually have all the upgrades completed before starting civil war except the ones requiring mythic leather. Meaning I require Ancient Jungles to make the final touches. I hope you or someone else can clarify this for me so I know if they're still purchasable or if I have to rely on the tower of dreams/normal dungeons rng for them in chest. I don't mind the grind, it's part of the game, after all. But I would like clarification, if at all possible. Thanks in advance.