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A member registered Feb 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think that's more for any pixel art that is imported into a Unity Project and not a specific issue with this asset

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The concept is really cool! And the levels were pretty neatly designed
I was a bit confused about the jump at first but I got the hang of it by towards the end- really well done, especially considering this was made in an hour! :O

Super cool concepts in this game! I really love the duplication and spinning levels-
Only sad part for me was the timer because I'm not fast enough to get past the fourth level but I did enjoy seeing how much faster I was getting with each run :)

Really cool concept! The powers were super non-conventional to go along with the playstyle and as a result the puzzles were quite interesting and different from the standard platformer.

Suggestion to solve the excessive clicking needed (I don't know if this will actually help but it might be worth a try), what if you could click and drag in the direction you wanted to go? That way you could cut out the need to click 3 separate times to cover a simple 3 block wide gap, while not hindering any of the puzzling

Ah yes I do mean it IS challenging

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The movement on this feels so good, probably the best I've experienced in this jam so far! I'll admit, the artstyle is not necessarily to my taste but it doesn't even matter because of how good it feels to play. The puzzles and platforming challenges hit that sweet spot of not being challenging but not frustrating, and the map layout is intuitive. Really well done!

It's so cute! The artstyle has so much flavor and you've really made it work. The little details sprinkled everywhere really make me feel like I'm playing inside a cardboard box.

The platforming is great imo. I managed to get a hang of everything pretty quick~

Very inspired game, great job!

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First off, that title screen is gorgeous. The world-design is gorgeous. The scoring is eerie and totally draws you into the mood of the world. By the 2nd NPC I was already hooked into the story.
The dash is great once you get the feel of it. I did find some of the platforming a bit challenging because I kept overshooting the single-tile platforms though.

It is really polished, and its fun to play. You can feel the vision and the work that went into this. Well done!

I love the game! I'm a sucker for the retro-aesthetic. I really like the tilesets and the background art. I do love the character designs, my only note would be that they do blend into the world a bit, although there are simple ways to go about making them pop so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
8-bit tunes are always a blast to listen to. I always find them so unique and fresh. I love the way the introductory cutscene is scored~ hats off to the musicians!

I unfortunately didn't manage to make it to the end because I ran into a bug walking down the stairs where it got stuck in stair-like motion even though I wasn't on the stairs anymore :( I'm not entirely too sure what happened but I might've been button jamming a little so it's probably an edge case scenario

Hey, thanks for pointing out this issue.

I did a couple of play tests in Firefox just now and ran into the same issues you did a few times. After doing a bit of digging into it, my best guess is that this a WebGL on Firefox issue.

I followed the instructions in this link and I think it fixed the problem on my end. It seems Firefox has a setting called "webgl.force-enabled" which defaults to false, and this causes some edge case issues. After changing it to true, I have not run into the problem again.

I'll have a look at what is actually causing the bug on our end though, so that is not as inconvenient for future Firefox players.

Thanks for checking out the game!

Really cool game! I love the concept and and the levels are well-designed :D Sweet game!

The clicking sounds the drills make are so satisfying ahahah
I like the little narrative and the twist at the end :D

Really cute and fun game!

The game was really fun! Grappling was super satisfying once you got it down.

Music was really chill as well :D

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Hey! That sounds like it's probably the issue because I couldn't notice it on my computer, but noticed it immediately when trying it on someone else's. It's also my first time exporting to WebGL so I was thinking I might've missed something there :(

Thanks for the help man ~ a shame I didn't notice before submitting but now I know for next time ahah

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the game :D
That's unfortunate about the character getting stuck.
We did notice a few issues where changing the levels was being a bit buggy and causing clipping colliders :(

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the game.
We noticed the movement issues just after we submitted :(
Lesson for next time :D

Really fun! The concept is well executed and I had a blast trying to outplay the little squares that run at you :D (the music bangs as well \m/)

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That's actually a really cool idea for the friendly grinches! - would be cute seeing all the different types of grinches fighting over all the presents
(the button prompts would have been useful as well ahah - we actually had an updated rules page explaining that picked up presents but I completely forgot to put it in so that was an oversight on my part D:)
Glad you enjoyed though :D