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A member registered Jan 24, 2019

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It'd probably feel more coherent when the whole game is out and you play from start to finish without waiting between small chunks of the story. 

Speaking as someone from a Japanese background, the actual national age of consent in Japan is 13 but every prefecture has anti-obscenity laws that makes any adult (20+, will become 18+ once the law changes come through) that has sex with a minor (below 20, again, will become below 18) at the very least open to prosecution.

Actually correct sources:

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WolfieMkho said:

"Day 10 would be the same password for all characters. I wouldn't really want to spoil you the password. But the answer to the password is the conversation you have with Benson before meeting up with Sal and confronting him with Benson (when Benson ask Sal if he had experience sleepwalking.)"

cerberus210 said:

"...what dave thinks of at the vault: ''whats the worst possible outcome''"

Those are good hints. Good luck.

He will get a route in future builds since that Patreon goal got reached. I'm not 100% sure if this guarantees it's a romance route though.

The furry community is full of horny young'uns haha.

Santa Lucia deserves more credit, it's shaping up to be pretty interesting! This is shaping up to be like those "is there hot sexxx" questions on Echo's page lol.

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Yeah, aside from TJ's, Flynn's is considered the "worst" route to start with. 

If you haven't yet, try and save TJ's for last.

Perhaps a "recommended" order would be: Carl -> Leo -> Flynn -> TJ -> Jenna (by default as it's not finished yet).

EDIT: Just saw further down the devs recommending someone mentioning this play order: The Smoke Room -> Route 65 -> Carl -> Leo -> Jenna -> TJ -> Flynn.


For anybody else reading this, Midoriya Tatsuki (翠屋 辰樹) is a different spelling of the Midoriya surname compared to Izuku's (緑谷 出久).

Tatsuki's name means: (Midori- green), (ya- shop, house) (Tatsu- Chinese zodiac dragon) (ki- wood, tree). Clearly purposely picked to fit his character.

Really not sure what you're on about bro?

Do you mean his name being the same as Midoriya Izuku from My Hero Academia? In that case it definitely is a coincidence as Morenatsu is far older than MHA; goes way back to 2010.

Or did you mean his name matching his character well? Of course it does, Japanese writers love to pick kanji that apply to their characters (like how Western writers like to look up meanings of names to apply to their characters).

Heya! It's understandable, Echo is one of those games you could read through three more times and probably find something new. Like I said before, I understand where the Leo fans are coming from but yes I passionately believe it's for the best that Leo and Chase never end up back together. Plus Echo is not the game to look for happy endings lol. I think us fans having mixed opinions about Leo just shows how well Echo's writers did with him. It's hard to make a guy like him sympathetic but they did it! 

First of all, your English is not bad at all so don't apologize or worry about it. Second, I'm not intending to sound mad, this is a discussion among fans- I probably sound harsher since you can't hear my tone of voice.

Anyway, it's not that I think Leo can't get better. The problem is Leo doesn't believe in getting help because he's stubborn and proud. Yes, it's true that in Jenna's route, he at least admits his faults and that's important.

You used PTSD as an example. People who learn to manage their PTSD get professional help and at some point admit they need it. While Leo doesn't have PTSD (some people think he's a psychopath but I disagree with that too), he hasn't started with the important step yet and that is admitting his troubled behavior is a problem he can't deal with on his own. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.

I can't see how Leo could ever have a healthy relationship with Chase, given that Chase is the reason Leo went insane. Even if Leo got help, it will never be the same again. Especially in Jenna's route so far, where Chase is developing feelings for Jenna and is now put off by Leo's toxic behavior. Chase doesn't give mixed signals anymore. It's sad but they won't work and forcing them to work is wasting the point Leo's route was trying to make.


Some users explain stuff pretty well there, including stuff about Flynn. I agree with a lot of it.

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No offense but how can some readers miss the point of Leo's route so badly? It read like a reality check on how dangerous sticking around in toxic relationships, staying with a mentally ill person and not moving on can be. Echo is not a happy dating sim where years' worth of emotional and mental issues can be fixed with love. If you want that, then look elsewhere because you'll get your heart broken again and again.

"Leo really loves Chase (although somewhat obsessive)"

Understatement of the century! It's not something cute like plain ol' love, Leo has a psychotic obsession. Yes, people want to blame Echo (the town) but both in Leo's and Jenna's route, the game makes it crystal clear that Leo had all those issues (like a laundry list of common abusive/toxic traits) but Echo just amplified them. Leo is bound to stay toxic even if he and Chase left Echo- Leo's dismissive of psychiatric care so forget therapy or couples counseling. Leo has proper mental issues that lurve will not fix, in fact, him clinging on "love" made him worse.

Doesn't have nudity so far, the most I've seen is characters in their underwear. The R18+ is probs less about porn (though there are some written-only sexy times but overall they're few and far between) and more about the darker themes the devs probs feel aren't appropriate for minors:

"Echo contains themes of an adult nature, including violence, torture, drug usage, and harsh language - you must be 18 or older to play."

As a recent reader looking through older comments, it amazes me how badly some readers missed the point of Leo's route, even to this day when Echo itself is close to finishing development.

Granted, this is just a game so I guess people wanna escape reality and keep their hopes up but if it wasn't obvious already, Echo is *NOT* that type of story. If anything, Leo's route was a harsh but needed reality check.

LeoArashi is the "I can change them!" them type... I sincerely hope you're not like this IRL because that's such a scary mentality.