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Ginder Games

A member registered Apr 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking the game out. Checkpoints was something I wanted to implement but I didn't get enough time to add it in. It's also something I've never tried but I'll definitely experiment with it in the future. Thanks again.

Ya sorry about the controls. I only realize most of my mistakes like the controls and hit boxes till after the jam. Sorry 😐. Thanks for checking out the game though!

Lol ya I know. Found out about a lot of the bugs till after the jam

This game looks really beautiful. It's got a really nice story and the entire setup is really clean. Just wish there was some more gameplay. It ends really quick and abrupt. 

This is a really innovative and unique idea. With some nice polish this game would look really nice. There were a couple of parts where the obstacles and blue thing looked a bit weird and clean, and the flashing lights were kinda weird. Other than that the game is great.

It's a really cool game and is like a mash of Sam Hogan's "Grey Box Testing" and Dani's "Karlson". With some audio and post processing this game would be great. The one major problem was with the mouse sensitivity. With these types of games, adding a mouse sensitivity setting is really important for players. Great game overall though.

This game has a really cool concept and was really interesting. It has really nice art and the music you chose matches the game well. The only issue I had was that the mouse controls were a bit finicky and that the game ends when the music note is on the end of the cassette. Since it's still on the cassette it should keep playing but when it falls it should end. Just something I noticed. Other than that I thought the game looked clean and was a good play.

Really fun game. The art is really nice and it looks like a polished game. The only problem was the start screen. I feel like the UI could have looked better. Other than that I thought it was a great game.

This game is incredibly fun. It's smooth, looks nice, and is just overall amazing. My only complaint is that The Internet level is so easy. There is no competition, you just shoot it. Other than that, I can't find any other flaws. This game is great

This game was really clean and fun. It had simple art but made a beautiful aesthetic. The only problems I had was that you jump when you release the spacebar and not when you press it. Also, there are no checkpoints. I don't know if this was done on purpose to make the game harder but overall it was a great game.

This game is really unique and fun. It looks really clean and the controls are a bit weird at first but I quickly became acclimated to them. The only problem was that on the ramp/mountain level, the trigger wouldn't work.

The game's really fun. The art is really nice and the controls are really smooth. My only recommendation is that the dialogue could go a bit faster. It's a bit too slow rn and is kinda annoying. Other then that the game is great

Sorry about the controls. I only realized a bunch of of control problems till after the jam. Thanks for playing tho

The wolf is secretly Tarzan... don't tell anyone

It happened on the third stage. After skadoodling some millennials the audio just starting layering on top of each other until it was like screeching. idk what exactly I did that caused it

is it just me or is billy looking kind of... THICCCCCCC

This game is way too addicting. It's really fun. The only problem I had was that you don't accumulate points. It forgets the points you got before. I don't know if that was done on purpose or not. I would personally make the player make less points, but they can accumulate points overtime and then buy powerups. Other than that the game is really fun.

Cool game. The art was really cool and the controls were smooth. My only problem was the invisible ladder and the audio. The ladder was really weird and buggy at times. As for the audio, it kept glitching and made this earrape noise. Other than that I thought it was a really fun game and cool concept.

This game was really fun. It makes sense and is easy to start playing. My only recommendations are to loop your music so it keeps playing, and to use arrow keys to control the manager. It was weird just clicking all over the screen. Other then that I thought it was a great game. 

Just finished creating this game. It's my first game. Here's the link to it - I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out. It's an endless driving game where you avoid obstacles to survive and try to collect as much cash as possible.