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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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Very simple, fun and polished! I wish the ants were a bit slower to give you more time and that moving the mouse out of the window didn't sometimes cause the foot to stomp but the comedy, art style and the fact that the ants steal colored pixels of the burger is genius!!!

Like Heli0s mentioned the big hit box is rather confusing when it seems like you have space to move but you don't, and needing to press the key each time you want to move quickly gets tiring. SFX and overall presentation is good and I like the idea, it could just use some fundamental improvements to the core gameplay loop.

Interesting concept and I like the variety of level design. There are some areas that can be improved, like Makiki mentioned having a way to more quickly change size would be greatly appreciated, and at the 2nd smallest size it looks like you can fit underneath crawlspaces but you can't, there are some times when you get stuck in a ceiling when you grow into it and for one level transition I ran off a cliff because the previous level ended with a sprint to the end. But overall I very much enjoyed it.

Fun game! The art style is nice and the gameplay is simple but fun. I did find some areas that would be good to polish, e.g. the level transitions are quite jarring (not changing the color and interpolating or tweening to the new view would be nice). But the gameplay is fun and I like that there's some variety in the enemies, e.g. the normal ones are standard but the bigger ones have different priorities. I'm reminded of the talk from the creator of Plants vs Zombies on making enemies feel different (having trouble finding it on YouTube though).

I enjoyed this! The enemy variety is very nice. The long term loop of balancing the scale is confusing as I had no idea what contributed to the scale being balanced vs unbalanced and some enemies are straight up nonsense (I think a strawberry sent a flurry of projectiles at me that killed me almost immediately) but the gameplay loop is fun and the theming is very cute.

Fun game! I wish the onboarding was slightly improved but since the controls are pretty intuitive and the genre is well known this wasn't too big of an issue. I wish there was more escalation in terms of visuals, SFX or more noticeable changes to the gameplay when the difficulty increases but overall I really liked it! Plus having more longform prompts would be cool (I loved the coding ones to destroy the spaceship!).

Very cute design and a pretty unique concept. I like the art style, SFX and character. The camera issues could be greatly improved by adding a silhoutte when occluded by level geometry (see below video, it's very easy to do in URP, you basically just need a Player physics layer and two render passes for rendering the player with the default depth test and the silhoutte with an inverted depth test and a material override). With more polish and bug fixing I could see this as being a fun, short and cheap game on Steam!

Really fun game! I never managed to kill the guy but the inherent humor of being a little guy trying to use a handgun 4 times his size trying to kill a normal sized guy that's a behemoth to him is incredibly funny. And the particle effects? Were those made using raymarching? The look of everything looks fantastic!

After downloading the game exe, and then the pck file, I was still unable to run the game due to an error message about missing .NET assemblies.

Pretty fun game with an extremely intriguing premise, but the collision detection and controls could use some work. For example, it isn't clear that when stretching and unstretching you'll restore yourself to the far end of the direction you're stretching in. Also, having more forgiveness mechanics would add a lot to the feel of the game. I like the escalation of challenge but certain things like not being able to crouch/stretch under a narrow passageway when already pressed up against it detract from it. Overall, pretty solid idea but in need of some polish. Nice job!