Has anything actually changed in the new version?
A member registered Jan 28, 2021
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Version 0.3.1 (New Surrogate!) comments · Replied to SIutty Gobbin~<3 in Version 0.3.1 (New Surrogate!) comments
Spending will doesn't seem to be working properly. When I click the button 99% of the time nothing happens. I've tried this on 3 different browsers now with the same issue.
Actually it's the same issue if i try to spend on any other upgrade too. Only button that works consistently is the "Tap here" one. :(
Edit: verson 1.2 seems to be working fine for me though. 1.2.1 is the one I'm having issues with
Secret Care Cafe 0.8.18 - Release notes comments · Posted in Secret Care Cafe 0.8.18 - Release notes comments
The inflation scenes keep bugging out for me. Basically when I stop rubbing their belly, Deb another version of Deb appears and gets inflated instead and in the end no one's capacity increases afterwards.
I tried deleting all my save files which seemed to solve it for a bit but now it's doing it again when I loaded the game today.