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A member registered Feb 13, 2020

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It works in the browser.  It just doesn't in the windows version for me

Is it supposed to say "loading wait 10-15 seconds" forever?  Thay's what it's doing for me

I think it would be pretty cool if the cum actually stayed on her instead of just being a shooting animation.  Options would also be nice: oral, anal, handjobs, ect... Just some ideas!

Yay!  I really want to see more bukkake inspired sex sim games

Thank you.  We really need more game that are just sex without the story.  Don't get me wrong, the stories are often pretty damn good but sometimes you are just horny and want a completely erotic experience.  It's just nice for that experience to be interactive

It still says I on version .02c lol.  Do you need to be a patron to get access to this version or something?

Great job with the improvements!

Game clearly has a good amount of time put into it but little recognition.  It's not just jacking off in front of a cute girl, you get to do other things with her too!

Thanks!  Really appreciate it!  Good luck with development! 

I have a couple ideas for the more lewd parts of the game.  First of all, it would be great if there was an masturbate option.  You know, like a button you press to masturbate in little sprite animation like with the mating scenes.  To add onto this, you could also put collectible sex toys throughout the game which you can equip in the Q menu.  Example: a basic dildo, a *magic* vibrator, a big dildo that you can ride, ect...  As for how this would work for gameplay, it could slowly lower your yellow bar if you want to get mated with without taking damage. It would also be cool if you could like automatically trigger sex scenes at the inn.  To add onto this, you could have unlockable partners that you meet throughout the game that you get to fuck at the inn.  And, when you don't have any, it could be a masturbation scene with one of the toys you found but in a more detailed animation.  I know that one is a big ask because it would require more of the high res animations which is a LOT of work but it would be super cool!  I think it would also be cool to have a brothel in town as a little miniquest/minigame.  You could have sex and earn small amounts of gold for your efforts!  I don't know how you feel about any of these but those are just some ideas that I have!  This game is really fun and I wish you luck with your development!  If you like any of these and would want any more help from me, let me know!

(P.S. I have not experienced the entire game so far so forgive me if anything I have listed is already in-game)

Hey howdy!  I think that it would be nice if you didn't have to equip tasks in order to receive the rewards from the guild.  I defeated the goblin king but I didn't have the task equipped so I had to restart the game to get it.  I still think the guild is nice to see and claim the tasks but I think that having to equip them is just a little unnecessary 

(2 edits)

Hey howdy!  I decided to restart and I literally still had all of my items and abilities.  

edit: it even kept all of my levels and upgrades but I could still get those same upgrades at the blacksmith.  Sorry if this is a lot!  You're doing a great job!

Edit 2:  I went to go fight the goblin king and he wasn't there

Oh okay thanks!

What if we already have the "SOAR" ability?  Isn't that the same input?

It does feel kind of weird that you receive gold for giving materials to the witch when you can literally just go and pick them back up.  Love the game besides that, though!

I really like this game!  The story is cute, the animations are amazing, and lewd in all of the good ways.  However... the protagonist kinda creeps me out.  Idk it just feels like he's a total pervert.  But that's the only negative thing I have to say about this game.  I think writting the protagonist be a little bit more romantic and less lewd may help fix this!  

(1 edit)

Is there no music or am I an idiot?  Btw GREAT GAME!  The art is incredible!  P.S. I really like the fetish content in this game!  It's nothing too extreme but it's enough fantasy to make it feel cool and different.

is anyone else not getting any sound?

(1 edit)

Okay so everything besides what I am going to outline in this post is GREAT, however, my only gripes are (and I know it is extremely hard to fix this sort of stuff): it would feel miles more immersive if the swords were longer or had a longer hitbox, the grappling system is good but would feel way better if it actually took you to where you aimed your targets (the majority of AOT's battles happen on rooftops and it is curently INFINATELY hard to get onto the roofs), you need to see the grappling targets at all times, more AOT-looking titans would help, having the jump button being a face button on rift would help, and better lighting would help.

Thank you so much for your consideration,

-a fan

game looks promising but I can't really play it because isn't sized right...  really cute monster girls, though! Definitely would smash if I could