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A member registered Apr 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yeah, tutorial was talked on pretty late, and I've watched a few people play through it and wonder what I was thinking. What was the pause menu bug? I gave it very little testing, so I'm not that surprise.

Thanks. Yeah, I wanted to make sure everything in the game could theoretically be on a handheld, so not much instruction, but I agree it makes for a confusing experience starting out, especially for players who haven't played through the original.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

I won't be able to participate but I'll try to take a look at the results and see what people came up with!

Thanks! I would recommend starting with something very simple to get the hang of working with the programming, tricks with aligning to the beat, and audio production etc. then use the lessons from that game to work on something larger.

Thanks so much for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it and also that you made it to the end!

That's awesome! Let me know how it goes. I've wondered if there's a way to get perfect runs on songs

Thanks! I've considered going back and making more levels a number of times, but never found the motivation to work on it again without a lot of other expansions to the game. Maybe some day if I can work on it full time instead of in my spare time.

Neat, nice work! The visuals were closer to what I originally envisioned for this game. I struggled a bit with getting the rhythm right, but still enjoyed it.

Thanks! That was the vibe I was hoping for with later level

Always. I've reported this bug to the Human Vision devs

thanks man!

Great work! So much charm and style coming through. Love the Moebius/ODPomery style. I'd be very interested to see a write-up/tutorial/source of how you put this together!

Thanks! I've been thinking about expanding it to a larger game since the biggest feedback I've had was "I wish it was longer". Glad you enjoyed

Extremely well done! Great sound, good pace and design. I wish I'd known about this jam, it seems awesome!

Yeah, every time I play through it leaves everything spinning for m


Thanks! Sorry to hear about the motor control issues. If I was taking the game further I would definitely add in some customization

Neat use of the crank arm. Thanks for sharing, Lucas!

Not at all. It's all good feedback and ideas that I may not have thought about while building it.

Thanks for the feedback! There's definitely some slapped together UI/UX that came in right at the end of the project that could have been more polished. Glad you enjoyed the game though!

Thanks, yeah the last level is really the most I could ask of anyone playing, but it's definitely a lot. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks Darrenn, that's very kind of you.

Extremely clever and well made game! Easily one of my favorites in the jam. Great job!

Thanks! got the idea from Link's Awakening, but obviously the implementation was a lot rougher. Glad you enjoyed it!

Haha thanks! Glad you like it.

Thanks! I think a shadow underneath would've added more depth, but it is what it is. I'll take a look at yours when I have a chance

Thanks! I will probably leave the game where it is since I think I've explored most of what the idea has to offer without getting into being a super expert at hard jumps, but I did learn a lot, especially about tilesets. I'll take a look at yours when I have a chance!

Thanks! It's been neat to see other ways people have implemented the idea.

Thanks! Hard mode is an all levels rush, where if you die you go back to level 1. I still haven't beaten it.

Yeah, I struggled a bit with a hitbox that was reasonable without being too easy or too difficult. I ended up shrinking it based on feedback, but I agree it was still tough to judge. Thanks for playing!

This was great! One of the only Jam games I've played to completion!


Neat concept and well put together. I would have liked a more gradual ramp up in difficulty, but still fun.


Thanks for organizing this! 

you may also find it helpful to look at the code I used for Atomic Beats:

Hmmm, hard to say without seeing the code. Make sure the variables are all named correctly and see what the values are at activation with Debug.Log. maybe something's slightly off!

Sorry your English seems much better than my French.

On the Conductor class I made a static Conductor variable called instance. This just makes it easier to call Conductor from other functions. The Conductor script is attached to a  GameObject in Unity (let's say it's attached to an object called ConductorObject). Usually you would have to have a way to link to that specific GameObject in order to reference ConductorObject.Conductor. Instead, using instance, it makes sure there's only one version of the Conductor script running in Unity. Then you can call it using Conductor.instance and access all the variables and functions of that specific Conductor script without having to declare it as a variable in another script.

I hope this is clear. This is typically done for a GameManager script in other games, so you may be able to find tutorials for that class that would be helpful.

Thanks Kenny, I'm glad you found it helpful!

If the object is already instantiated, you'll probably want to use something like: this.gameobject.SetActive(true) to make it appear and SetActive(false) to make it disappear.

To time it to the beat you will have to check the Conductor beat. Something like If(Conductor.instance.SongPosInBeats > this.appearBeat)


Then do the same for making it disappear. If you're having it appear and disappear in a loop, you will have to reference the Conductor.instance.loopPosInBeats

Try playing around with that and see if it works!

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. There's definitely a lot of potential to expand the game into something with a wide appeal, and it could be a banger on mobile/tablet. Maybe one day if I have the time. Thanks again!