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A member registered Dec 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you! 
We were also hoping for a more complete build, and were under the impression that we had the time to create one. =P

(1 edit)

Thank you for the vote of confidence! :D

1. Truth be told, I've spent more time programming and animating of late (had other artists working with me to produce the models) but I am most accustomed to hard surface and environment modeling. As for which is my best - well it would probably be an environment I produced a few months ago. 

2.Public concerns the accessibility of a method or variable, whilst denotes void is the return type  

My portfolio is available here:
It is out of date and does need some work(hence why I'm taking part in game jams! :D) but it should hopefully provide enough insight into  my level of ability, though it does lack some of my more recent coding projects.
I can provide renders or code samples if required.

For a quick summary of my role in some of the projects presented on my portfolio:
Project Q (don't ask ;p) - Rigger & Animator, Particle Effects, 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Super Villain Smash Up -Rigger & Animator, Particle Effects, 3D Modelling(pickups and character)
Magnus Basilica - (solo) 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Solus - (solo) Code, 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Boffers Base Defense - (solo) Code, 3D modeling

Hi, I'm a fresh out of university games designer with an array of abilities.
For art production I can:
- 3D model
-UV Unwrap and Texture
-Rig & Animate*

Programming wise, I am familiar with:
-C# (Unity)
-C++ (UE4) 
-C++ (currently teaching myself how to program for the windows console and using graphics libraries.)

Finally, I should be capable of providing insight to the design process, as I am soon to be a qualified designer after all!

I did intend to go solo on this, but if anyone feels that i can fill a niche in their team, then I am happy to oblige!

If you want evidence of me work - feel free to ask.
It's also worth noting that I am already attending a game jam that will end on the 2nd, and so will not be wholly available until that concludes.

*I am a self taught rigger and animator and new to the art. This was out of necessity for a previous project in which my team required an animated character or two. I am willing to work in this role, but I insist that you contact me to take a look at my prior work to establish whether it is up to your standards first.