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A member registered Jan 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes! (Sorry for the very late reply!)

Oh, very cool idea!

Here is just fine :)

Express yourself!

Thanks so much! Credit is not required but appreciated. I’d love to see what you make :)

Hello team! It's 2024 now. Should the jam be updated?

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for your comment!

Yeah, I have the plugin open sourced as well but it does take a bit of messing around to get it working. My plan is to tidy up the plugin (and also make it a real plugin since right now it just overwrites the point and click scene) to make it more user friendly. I tried to do that as I went but I ended up hacking things up trying to get the game finished.

The smoothness comes from building the background/view from all the pieces off-screen and then doing a big copy from that "buffer" into the VRAM's on-screen space. An even better way would be to draw off-screen and then move the whole background like a swap for an instant update, but I didn't manage to get that working in the GB Studio context during the jam.

Good enough for me! Thanks for the insight

While I know these are different jams, it seems kinda weird to see even the exact same wording as a big jam that recently ended. Was this intentional? Or a case of random being too random?

Ahh, brilliant! Thanks for the reply, Shallan! I'm familiar with 6502 from working on NES where the code is in unwritable ROM so self modifying code still catches me off guard  :)

(2 edits)

Hi everyone (but probably mostly Shallan),

I'm looking at the amazing examples Shallan shared on their Github and learning a lot!

I am confused about one particular thing in the Nybble Mode example and I was hoping for some illumination. On lines 189, 206, and 211 there's instructions followed by variables but then a colon (:) and an additional hex value. For example, on 189:

ldz rowsToDraw:#$02

At first I thought it was maybe a pseudocommand for ldz from the version of KickAssembler that's needed for the MEGA65 support, but then it's also used with ora and lda which are standard 6502 instructions.



Hi Shallan! Thanks for posting this!

I wonder if there is an error in "the freely available 911011.bin file". Should that actually read 911001.bin?

This is incredible! You are a master.