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A member registered Mar 08, 2023

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that was engaging and it definitely made me laugh. i loved the style and the gameplay and atmosphere were great.

its fine as an idea but there's no clear instructions as far as the fishing and objectives go.

can't say its my favorite. mainly because of the controls. but the idea and concept is interesting

its a nice idea but the controls can get pretty clunky and the hit box was kind of absurd.  nice story though

this is a fun one. the mechanics are easy to get used to. the idea is very creative. the music is pretty good too.

a good start. there's definately some good ideas.

I think so. It should be possible throughout the Jam.

nice. bullet hell is a fun challenge thats for sure. but the respawn can throw one off a bit because it happens a bit too fast. full screen cuts off the life counter though. fun nonetheless

this one was a good one. it has kind of dungeons and dragons kind of feel, at least with the setting. it was a bit difficult to get past the first guy but i figured out the throwing mechanic ok. music is pretty good.

this one is really well put together. the music is good, the gameplay is simple yet challenging. i did sometimes glitch around when i was try to swing on the green objects though but thats a minor thing

i like the nice simple set up of just playing a game of poker. the lounge music is definitely a nice tough and i like how you added facial animations to the oppenents

good game. but the controls were a bit clunky because we have to crisscross to use our controls and i think theres a bug that at one point makes it so neither player can deal damage.

a good concept for sure. im sure it would be great in an arcade style cab. not so much with a mouse and keyboard though.

very well put together. i like the play style as well the small bit if soundtrack.

this one was definitely one of the best. the controls for the most part are easy to learn, the the swinging mechanic was a bit tough. i like the music a lot and i especially love how it muffles a bit when you enter the water. very nice touch. the museum of cut content is great. it's interesting to see how different the game would've been if those concepts were added. this one is for sure one of my favorites.

like the style you were going for. just seems like there's more than i can play as of right now. can't wait to see what this will become someday though.

This is definitely the funniest submission by far. it brought a genuine smile to my face and i definitely appreciate the effort.  

It's a good level design. i like the idea of a spherical map and have thought about making one like it in the future. The gameplay is also good. It's easy to control and one can get the hang of it pretty easily. unfortunately though the lack of a soundtrack does make it just a little underwhelming. Not to mention when you free Glube's tentacles nothing really happened after that. Glube didnt do anything but his Idle animation. i will say that the texture on him looks great. i like how it looks more transparent. like theres more going on with the inside than just slime. i also like the red planet in the background  and how it is actually rotating. so over all good concept that just does quite feel complete yet and hopefully i can see more of this game in the future.

It's definitely a good concept. The way you move in the game is easy to learn, I picked up on it fairly quickly. It'll still take practice to perfect which is a good thing.  A few things id like to say is getting the keys seems to be redundant when you can just walk through the walls. also you need to collect all cartridges to finish a level, but its a bit difficult when the cartridge lingers above your head you can't pick up another when it's there. it could just be a bug

its still pretty well put together and i hope you do more of this kind of gameplay