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Groovy Dad Games

A member registered Dec 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I appreciate it. This was indeed the most depressing thing I’ve ever created.  

Make Fantastica Great Again

We've just submitted our latest game, Make Fantastica Great Again, to the One-Page RPG Jam. 2024. 

Every four years, the people of the once great United Kingdoms of Fantastica elect a new high king. The players form a party of campaign operatives working to elect their party’s candidate. The operatives will use all manner of strategies and tactics—some honorable, some distasteful; some mundane, some magical—to ensure their candidate garners enough political capital, coin, and votes to claim the high throne.

Sure. Here's a link to a .docx copy of Temporal that you can use as a template:

Hope this helps.


Hi, Alexander. I finally had time to go back and remind myself what the exact rules were regarding the villains. So, rules as written, if the NPC has a villain tag, then yes, they follow the same damage/condition rules as PCs. I agree, this can make them pretty tough. However, the most commonly applied damage from weapons is Chassis damage, so it should be possible (not easy, but possible) for the PCs to send a villain into negative Chassis repeatedly until they hit system failure.

Thankfully (for the PCs), only two stock foes have the villain tag (Apostles and Boilermakers), and then the 3 main baddies in the included adventure.  I wanted the main big bads to be tough to take down.  That's the DM in me who gets frustrated when a party takes out the main villain too easily. 

That being said, I agree it's probably too hard as written. If I do an update (and this is a game I've been meaning to get back to at some point), I would probably come up with some other solution for making the villains challenging without using the PC rules.  In the interim, you could certainly house-rule this if you play and say villains must be knocked to zero on a stat X number of times before they're destroyed.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for improving the game.


Hi there! Glad to hear you enjoyed reading through it. Great question about villains. I’m under a deadline for my day job, and will give you an answer as soon as I can. Just didn’t want you to think I was ignoring this. 

Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.

You add the d6 to defense only for the model that took the dodge action. The dodge bonus is used the next time that model is targeted by an attack, after which the model loses the dodge bonus (i.e., the model would need to retake the dodge action on a future activation to gain the defense bonus).

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Yes. That's correct. On your turn, you can use one of your actions to dodge. The next time someone attacks you, add +1d6 to your defense roll. 

Technically, rules as written, you could use both actions on your turn to dodge and add 2d6 the next time you are attacked.

Hope this helps! Thanks for playing!


SYNAPSE is a hex-crawl adventure that sees players exploring a Subject's subconscious searching for a valuable memory buried deep in the Subject's psyche.

The adventure is system-agnostic; however, a modified version of our TENSION SYSTEM is included. 

Created for the Fill the Hex Jam

Deal. Happy to do it. It's just fun to know that someone is actually playing these games and getting some joy out of it.

Rolled a d20 and got a 4, which was for Enhanced. I'll send a download key shortly. 



Also: you’ve been so kind and enthusiastic that I want to give you some download keys for my other games. Let me know if there’s any of my other games you want to try, and I’ll email you a key to the address on your receipt for M&M. 


(1 edit)

That’s awesome.  We’ve been using Tinker Turf mixed with some Battlefield terrain and using locite fun-tak to hang minis. Minis are a mix of infinity for agents and the aliens from Glorious Day in the Corp for the madness.  

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the game! This is one I've been meaning to get back to for a while now to create solo agent vs. agent rules and some scenarios. I've also toyed around with developing a role-playing game based on the setting.

I really appreciate all the positive comments! If you have any photos of a game in progress, please share!

GROTTO OF THE ROT DRAKE is an ultra-rules-lite tabletop fantasy role-playing game created for the 24-word RPG Jam

Create your character. Roll the dice to see which chamber you explore. Pass challenges to proceed to the next chamber. Fail and suffer the consequences. 

Grotto of the Rot Drake can be played with a group or used to power a solo/journaling adventure. 

Grotto of the Rot Drake Cover

YOUR VERY OWN APOCALYPSE is an ultra-rules-lite tabletop role-playing game created for the 24-Word RPG Jam.

Your Very Own Apocalypse

MURDER HOBOS is an ultra-rules-lite TTRPG created for the 24-Words RPG Jam.

Murder Hobos

Thanks! Hope you give it a try.  

Awesome! Glad you like it!

Thanks for the reminder on this. Got busy with work. Yes, feel free to translate. You can email translated copy to me at Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Depends on the victim type. E.g., if it's a young adult, they have 10 pints, so 20% would be 2 pints, etc.

Given jam restrictions, I didn't have enough room to include a bigger table that broke all of that down for each victim type. That is something I would include in an expanded/revised version. 

Hi! Thanks for the offer. Let me think on it.

Thank you!

I've just released BLOODa solo role-playing and journaling game in which you play an ambulance driving emergency medical technician (EMT) infected with vampirism. Each day, you must navigate The City with your paramedic partner, facing the mundane trials of your job and personal life while trying to keep your affliction a secret. 

Each in-game day, draw event cards to see what kind of trials you'll need to face while balancing your Hunger, Cash, and Visibility. Get too hungry, and you might loose control. Run out of money, and you may have to look for less than honest ways to pay the rent. If your Visibility gets too high, then the police, hunters, or other infected might come looking for you.

Created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2023

Thank you! I appreciate it.  

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. 

My intention for the step up/down of the test die was more along the lines of "just go by feel in each situation." Part of that decision was driven by the one-page limitation for the jam and trying to get the core mechanics on the front page. I'll try to cram in a little more detail somewhere in a revision. 

That being said, I'm planning to either expand the game at some point and/or write a generic version of the system that could be applied to different settings. In both cases, I would probably include either specific mechanics for stepping up/down (e.g., one per trait) or more detailed guidance for GMs in setting the tension rating.


I just released TENSION, my final submission for the One-Page RPG Jam 2003.

TENSION is a rules-light tabletop role-playing game of covert operations and ticking clocks. Of mounting stakes and unrelenting stress. 

Players are a team of covert operatives on the trail of a doomsday weapon. Manage a finite pool of resilience points to accomplish daring actions and use PC features to stay alive just long enough to save the day. 

Thanks, but I feel like it still needs more metal.

Gig From Hell

Announcing the release of GIG FROM HELL, a rules-light, one-page TTRPG of doom, metal, and mayhem.  All you need is two 6-sided dice, some paper, and the set list (available on YouTube or you can build your own).

Oct. 31, 1989. Your manager booked you a good paying gig at the ancient manor on the hill. Unbeknownst to your manager, you’ve been hired by THE CHILDREN OF THE CREEPING DEATH. They’re performing a ritual that will open a portal and let the OLD ONES into our world. The cultists needed your music to start the ritual; now they need your blood to finish it.

Only the METAL GODS can save you now. Use the RELICS OF DOOM and DREAD POWERS they’ve bestowed on you to survive long enough to stop the ritual. 

Created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2023.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Rust Buckets

I've just released Rust Buckets TTRPG as part of the One-Page RPG Jam 2023.

The world died in flames and has been reborn. Mutated, tortured flora and fauna have been spewed forth from a blistered and festering Earth littered with the irradiated detritus of civilization. Struggling to survive among the ruins of this new world are nascent communities of primitive humans. Protecting these communities against the terrors that walk the earth are the last remaining robots—survivors of the great fire who weathered the ravages of time and the elements. 

In RUST BUCKETS, you play as one of the robotic protectors of the last members of the human race. Originally designed to protect the creators of the old world, you continue to follow your first and most important directive: Defend Humankind. 

Heroes Rising

I've just released Heroes Rising, a sci-fantasy tabletop roleplaying game that was created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2023.

Twenty years ago, the Sho’tha arrived on the shores of the Broken Isles without warning. Armed with arcane science beyond our understanding, they quickly overwhelmed all who stood against them.  Now, the Sho’tha occupy our lands and oppress the peoples of the Isles. But hope remains as resistance blooms in the shadows….

In HEROES RISING, players portray commoners from the Broken Isles who have decided to fight back against the tyranny of the alien Sho’tha. The setting is the grim fantasy world of Avren-Yara, specifically the occupied nation states of the Broken Isles. 

The tone of the game is the WW2 French Resistance meets the World’s Most Popular Roleplaying Game. The players portray regular people banding together to fight an almost invincible occupying force, using a mixture of clandestine operations, sabotage, guerrilla tactics, and—as a last resort—head-to-head combat. 

Thank you! That’s very kind of you. Please let me know if you have any thoughts after you get a chance to play.  



Cool! Thanks for highlighting the game. 

No, there’s no AP of Sin Eater.  

In your example, you would just pay 8 BP and create a new rank 2 feat. You'd still technically have the rank 1 feat, which you could still use at a lower power cost than the rank 2 version.

Of course, you can house rule it and use the method you've outlined (refund rank 1 for 4 BP, then spend 8 BP to create a rank 2 version). 

A future revision of the rules will clarify this and possibly include rules for "powering up" existing feats.

That's great. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

That’s awesome. Here are my clarifications/thoughts on your questions.

1. Each archetype comes with two tier 1 skills. Assume that they are tier 0 (novice) in all other skills. During character creation, you can use skill points to either increase tiers in the two archetype skills, gain tiers in other skills, or combo of both.

2. Yes, beginning characters can upgrade the two skills that they begin with due to archetype.

3. That’s an oversight of mine as well as due to the ‘one page’ constraints of the game jam. If you’re doing a mini-campaign of linked cases, then I would reward the players with skill points after each case. I think 5 points would be appropriate, but you could adjust that up or down for each player based on specific accomplishments (e.g., killing the big bad nets you extra 2 points, etc.).

5 points would be enough for a player to add one or two tier 1 skills or upgrade a tier 1 to tier 2. You could let the players bank skill points so that they can save up 10 points to upgrade a tier 2 to tier 3.

Eventually, I will update the one-page rules to version 2. Work has just got in the way. An update will include downtime rules.


Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope you all enjoy playing!



Originally created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2022.

SOVEREIGN SHIELD is a tabletop role-playing game set in the grim fantasy world of Avren-Yara, also known as the Sundered Realms. Most of the action takes place within the last bastion of humankind, the great Western Imperium.

The Sovereign Shield is an order of secret agents in service to the High King of Nach Vadryn, the largest city-state in the Imperium. As agents of the Shield, players will undertake clandestine missions on behalf of the High King such as conducting espionage against powerful Guilds and other city-states of the Imperium, as well as investigating strange phenomena and threats that plague the peoples of the realm.

The tone of the game is intended to be James Bond and Mission Impossible meets Dungeons & Dragons with a dash of X-Files thrown in for good measure.

Originally created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2022.

Welcome to the lonely plains of West Texas, where the town of Wyrd sits atop the caprock, buffeted by wind, dust, and hail. Only small, one-horse towns dot the landscape for miles in any direction. In the lonesome stillness, strange things are on the prowl. 

WYRD, TEXAS is a tabletop role-playing game wherein most of the players portray the residents of Wyrd as well as faculty and students at local West Texas University. Together, these characters form a team of investigators who are looking into the strange and unusual events occurring in and around Wyrd. 

Includes an introductory case: The Prairie Dogs Are Restless


Violence, gore, death, and occultism. Some discussion of mental illness

Awesome. Please send feedback if you get a chance.

SIN EATER is a solo role-playing game and journaling experience wherein you play the last professional sin eater wandering the backroads of the Deep South. Scorned by society, sin eaters ritualistically consume the sins of the recently deceased so that the dead may pass on with a clean soul.

Created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2022.