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A member registered Sep 09, 2020

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I just now saw the new build. Thank you so, so much! Will be testing it in a minute, but the release notes seemed to address almost everything.

I'm running 10.13 High Sierra. This is quite an old machine, so it's possible that this is part of the issue. Everything else works perfectly though.

Thank you!

Hi hi!

My apologies for the double message, but I did actually manage to play the game for a while and I have a few more comments.

- The sound for your bullets traveling seems to be somehow panning from left to right or vice versa for no apparent reason. Bullets should be moving forwards as far as I can tell, but the sound doesn't reflect this.

- It's not very easy to get an idea of your location within the field. I think there could be a few more positional indicators, such as:

  * Very subtle sounds while you turn to indicate when you pass through a cardinal point, either sped up recorded speech or a very short beep that would indicate the direction. Right now, since turning is so quick, I lose my bearings after a short while. Hopefully this is not just me. :D

* A slight but noticeable difference in sound for the North-South and East-West edges. I don't think all four need to be different, especially if we get cardinal point indication, but I think it would be useful to be able to tell at least the pairs apart.

- I don't know how I'd go about solving this, but it's very very easy to accidentally crash into an asteeroid while accelerating to get to another one, or to reposition yourself. I think the highest speed is much too quick to do anything useful in the game.

I'll let you know if I find anything else. Thank you so much for your work!


I just successfully completed the tutorial on the Mac OS version of the game. I'm truly excited to play it, but I do have two bug reports to make:

1. Pressing CTRL+arrows to snap to the nearest cardinal heading doesn't seem to work on Mac. I have also tried all the other modifier keys just in case, but I've had no luck whatsoever.

2. Some of the sounds, most notably the one for the large saucers, are in stereo. This makes it nearly impossible to target them on the field, as what would be their center pan position is actually giving the player a full stereo image. Downmixing the sounds to mono will fix this issue.

Thank you!