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A member registered Dec 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad I could be helpful. As I said, I loved what you guys did with the project, Good job!

Loved the ambience but I also ran into some of the problems listed bellow. I think you are on to something but the game would benefit from some more love after the jam because there are some bugs (like the "how to play" button getting you to the credits or the radio) that are pretty annoying and take away from something that otherwise looks like a great technical achievement.

I also couldn't quite understand the game but I have a couple beers in me right now and I am lackign some sleep so I might come back to it later and try to play without turning on the radio (otherwise I might go crazy).

Overall good job! It just needs a little more work and you'll have something pretty great on your hands.

Really like the game. I've always wondered how I'd feel making "war-time decisions" with second hand information. Now I know how it feels and it is tricky! hahahaha

I also like that not all reports are 100% true. It keeps you ion your toes. 

Another cool thing about the game is that if not all reports have been listened to or all reinforcements had not been deployed, the game would tell me that I was forgetting to do something. I almost finished one of my turn without deploying one of my armies and that prevented it so good job.

I am blown away by the fact that you managed to create a multiplayer experience within 3 days, amazing job!

I also had trouble getting all the info out of the tutorial but once I got the hang of the controls I had a lot of fun. I was also playing with someone in the same room as me and we laughed a lot which is a great achievement.

I also had to alt+tab to get out of your game which is a bit annoying but it's not a "fatal flaw" of the game and I totally understand that you were tight for time and might have not been able to implement it. It would be a nice update though.

Good job!

Hey I liked the whole explanation you gave for your game in one of the comments bellow. However, I was unable to play the game. I don't think I've quite gotten the hang of the mechanics. I also had troubel with the reset screen some times.

Good job on the "idea level", I really like all the thought process behind the game but I feel like the execution kind of let you down. 

I had a lot of fun with your game.

Loved the way you gave indications to the player as well (the wall with the icon of the mouse) although I think that there's some potential left on the table in regards to "exploiting the themes of the jam". 

Great job however, I had a tone of fun so thumbs up to you guys!

(1 edit)

As I said when you guys presented the game, I looooove your use of the theme, this is a situation we can all relate to and I just love it.

I think someone mentioned it in the presentation but, since I am not 100% sure, I'll mention it here. I'd like to see the trajectory that the ball will make in the game to aid in aiming although, no that I think about it, this might make the game a bit "too easy"... some guess-work while aiming was fun. Maybe it could be an option that the player can enable or disable?

I'd also like to see some more questions in the exams. I understand that, for the jam, this was not a prioirty but if you want to keep working on the game, getting in some fun trivia would be awesome.

The game ran smoothly and I didn't encounter any bugs or issues so great job  on that front!

Overall good job!

Hey! I was in your presentation as well and I must say that I was amazed that you managed to do this all on your own. 

I think that adding some sound to the speaker would be cool specially since in the game's narrative, you are communicating with via the speakers you see on screen. 

Sometimes I got frustrated because I couldn't get the timing right but I had solved the puzzle (I knew what actions neeeded to be taken but I was having trouble executing on them) and when that happened I got a bit frustrated. I can't think of what I'd change in order to avoid this withou drastically impacting on the game's difficulty but I thought I'd put this out there.

I had a great many laughs jumping around, the animation for that is pretty funny.

To sum it up, good job. I am amazed that you were able to do this on your own and can't wait to see more from you in the future.

I had trouble launching the game too. I think it's probably something on my end but I can't figure it out so if any of you guays can shed some light on how you opened and played the game it'd appreciate it.

I love the retro look you guys went for both visually and sonically, I think you guys really hit the nail on the head with that. I had an issue with enemies going off to the right but it's already been mentioned so you guys already know. 

The color boxes to indicate where the enemies are coming from and what color they are works very well. 

The onlt thing is that, once I found that I could just hold down the left button of my mouse and drag the cursor from one side of the screen to the other to kill the enemies the game became substantially easier. You kind of lost me there.

It'd be cool to see  if you can implement some kind of "kill sttreak rewards" or maybe add some different enemy types as you progress through the game. I am sure it'd make the whole game more engaging.

Overall though, awesome job. Loved the music, the sound and the look and, other than the aforementioned problem with the enemies disappering off screen the game ran well and I had fun so good job!

I am a Barcelona based sound designer and mixer looking to make the jump from the film industry to the video game industry and I am currently looking to join video game projects in order to meet people and develop my portfolio. 

I have over 6 years of professional experience in the world of film and TV and have worked in both indie productions and big budget films/series for the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Mediapro and Movistar+.

I am currently learning Wwise and FMOD while working as a freelancer and as the sound coordinator for ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals  de Catalunya), one of the top film schools in Spain. I also have some basic coding knowledge but I took those classes long ago so I can't promise anything.

For those that care, I mostly work on Pro Tools but I am also learning Reaper since it seems to have a better workflow for video games (or so I am told).

You can see some of the projects I have worked on here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8302961/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

And you can find samples of my work here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UhfF1qT7GeF-oIH27jBC0sJ0NwRXDN4l?usp=sha...

This would be my first game jam and I can't wait to join you soon!

I am a Barcelona based sound designer and mixer looking to make the jump from the film industry to the video game industry and I am currently looking to join video game projects in order to meet people and develop my portfolio.

I have over 6 years of professional experience in the world of film and TV and have worked in both indie productions and big budget films/series for the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Mediapro and Movistar+.

I am currently learning Wwise and FMOD while working as a freelancer and as the sound coordinator for ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals  de Catalunya), one of the top film schools in Spain. I also have some basic coding knowledge but I took those classes long ago so I can't promise anything.

For those that care, I mostly work on Pro Tools but I am also learning Reaper since it seems to have a better workflow for video games (or so I am told).

You can see some of the projects I have worked on here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8302961/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

And you can find samples of my work here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UhfF1qT7GeF-oIH27jBC0sJ0NwRXDN4l?usp=sha...