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The Sketchy Hedgehog

A member registered Apr 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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The problem I'm having is that I get lots of promising titles, but they all have taglines that are either outside my wheelhouse or completely foreign to me. I've never understood what a Sword Dream is or how it differs from a regular Dream (and yes, I have googled), and the specific systems that come up are almost never ones I'm familiar with. Also I have no idea what "for zero players" means.

This is enchanting.

Gosh that was adorable. <3

...okay, I 100% do not remember doing that. o_o clearly I need more sleep. 

Fixed now, thank you!

Dashboard is flagging a project "classed as multiplayer but is missing player count information"

I don't know WHY it is classed as multiplayer, but I clicked the link to fix it and I do not see it?

13 Oct 2023:  20pts









Not yet!

"To receive a transmission, roll a [d4] to determine the source of the call." 

I'm stuck on this part; I can't find where to check the result.

A text-only version of this would be a blessing!


....the winner has now vanished???


this is very cool!

And just for good measure.



(1 edit)

Yeah, it could use some tweaking.

EDIT: tweaked

(2 edits)

There, I made it a proper submission.

Oh man, just the opening narration has me cringing. Well done.

115! So close. I love this.

I also like the first one a lot! Mixes things up without complicating them too much.

Thank you, that helps a lot!

But I'm not entirely clear on a couple things about Carta - specifically, do you/can you backtrack over cards you've already revealed, and if so, what happens?

Oh thank goodness, I want to try this SO BAD!

Ooh, I like this.

This is pleasingly weird.

roll 1d20

for the number of monsters

that you must befriend

thank you! It's such a fun system, it needs ALL the genres!

Oh man, I love these, especially the one in red.  Also KUDOS for including a proper choice of skintone.

Interactive fiction doesn't always have images.

well that escalated quickly

is there a way to rotate pieces?

They're not awful! The top one is more like what I'd expect in a game; it's crisper and more cohesive. 

The one on the bottom is throwing me off, I think, mostly because  of the contrast between the perfect straight lines of the room/pool, and the wonky doodly lines of the floaties/tentacle thingy. I do like the watercolory effect though, and the depth to the tentacle tank.

I am a rubbish microbe.