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Gummy Grenade Games

A member registered Dec 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi Tallbeard! Love this music pack! I used the first track as it sounds very ocean-like and I think it fits my game really well. Thank you!! 🐟

I really like this pack! Especially Chicken Coop Party!! I ended up buying it and using it for my upcoming free-to-play idle game. I made sure to give credit to you in the game. Thank you!!!!

Very creative game! This is my favorite poem

The fill tool is so fun! I could watch it all day

Really fun game! Getting shop upgrades was really satisfying and I really enjoyed the shop keep :)

Really fun game! Getting shop upgrades was really satisfying and I really enjoyed the shop keep :)

Awesome rhythm game! The graphics look amazing and the music was really superb. I think making it really hard was definitely the right choice, it makes me want to play again and get a better score. My only issue was i had a hard time finding the keys, the number keys would have been more natural for me. My final score was 11137

Really cute and fun game! Gooee was my favorite. Also the ending was really funny :D

Really fun and well polished game :D

Addicting and fun :)

Nice dog! I think ill take it xD Great game :)

So pretty, I especially love Eclipse. Really great and original use of the 64x64 resolution

Excellent job on the visuals! I love seeing the swirly background while digging, and the character animations are really well done. Love the music too! Excellent game :D i got to 184 M

The eating animation is so great xD love this cute game

This is really cool. I love the idea of making Tetris pieces

Fun to play and so comfy! I got a highscore of 525

Thanks for the feedback and for playing! I went ahead and added WASD key support. I imagine a lot of people prefer those controls too so thanks for pointing it out! :-)

I don't usually add sound to my games and i was afraid that adding sound to this game would make it annoying, but I took your advice and i added sound and im actually really happy with how it turned out! Thank you <3

Thanks for playing! I spent a lot of time getting the powers up to be fun and actually useful. I would add more but I cant think of any other power up types

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Loved playing this game! Never thought i would ever get so stressed out about tomatoes :-D

Thank you so much! glad you enjoyed it!

Had a lot of fun with this game! Will go ahead and buy it on Steam :)

It's really satisfying when you harvest pumpkins and they pop out! I noticed the other crops dont do that but it would be cool if they did

Love this game!!! 

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Don't have a lawn but love raking leaves? No worries, you can rake up some leaves in this cozy sim game where the leaves are endless and your gloves are pink. Made for #CozyAutumnGameJam2022

Thanks! Detective Dan is always welcome to live on dog planet 

This game was fun and charming all the way through! Wish I could wipe my brain memory clean so I could reexperience it. Also I got all the trophies!

Love this game :o) the ending made me smile a lot

Thanks for the feedback! I updated the page so hopefully no one else has this problem.

Also I love your game. When I first saw it, I was scared that we had the same idea lol. Dog games rule

Thank you! <3 I felt like I lost brain cells making it

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Beat it on my second try (love the game over screen)! Super fun and challenging. The hardest thing was not buying all the upgrades because it's so tempting. The use of resolution was amazing too, like im not even sure this sand searching mechanic would work as well with higher resolutions. 10/10, favorite submission Ive played so far. Would love to know how you programmed the sand mechanics

p.s. Could you imagine working at the ice cream shop and seeing someone punching crabs and screaming to get enough money for icecream? lmao

5 stars across the board. Really great, fun and well made game. Would love to learn more about how you 2 made this. 

I really love the star trails. It looks soo cool. I love that all of the rules of this game are shown not told, like moving forward speeds up time which you can see with the star trails. Also really love the color palette.

Omg thank you! You are so sweet ♥