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A member registered Oct 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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You're welcome! Then you must have been an ace in English or writing classes! It feels as if you have wrote a short novel before—it's great!

You're an incredible storyteller, and the interface is stunning! The visuals immediately draw me in – I love this style of art. The subtle changes you make to create movement in the still frames really bring it to life. I can't praise it enough! The music choice is spot-on, especially the opening theme, which had this chill vibe that made it feel like something bigger is always unfolding – a perfect hook. I also love the artistic direction you've taken. The backgrounds, in particular, reminded me of Disney's flat-concept art style in Hercules—they feel rich and vibrant, never empty or dull, which is something I often notice in background art such as my own. The story's concept idea about imagination is always something I'm drawn to.

You're silly.

Thank you so much! It's our first time trying something like this, so it's not perfect. But with the great feedback and encouragement you've given, we're excited to make the final version really shine!

Glad I did not go to bed. Thanks for looking out!

NO! Working with you all was the best part of this. There's so much work ahead, and our personal lives feel like they’re running on Tyrano logic >->

But despite the project bumps and outside chaos, you guys never quit. You always found time to get another small part or detail done.

You handled criticism so well each time. I hope it helps build your indie game music venture, even if it was just sound effects this time. You're a diamond—just needs a little polish, but you shine!

I'll be bothering you for VA in the final version. Thanks for your time, and I’m glad we made our team official this month! Lets keep it building!

I'm glad you had fun—you always turn stills into something amazing! But seriously, stop overworking! I can’t wait to dive back in and use the rest of the assets to finish what Tyrano could not handle - at least the Tyrano test/review is out of the way.

I know this month was supposed to be dedicated to, but dissecting it during a jam wouldn’t give me the time to fully explore its perks and quirks (plus, I can’t let you all down by missing the upload or not having enough time to fix the bugs). I am a bit down that I had to ditch Light vn. ten days into the Jam...

It wasn’t a total failure, and I know we’ll always do better. I have faith in all of you, and I wouldn't have attempted this jam until my class was done. Taking this detour was worth it, even just for a trailer-game!

Thanks for encouraging me to try a jam! It even got me to step out of my shell and share my terrible flat mono voice acting - pretty sure it’s going to curse anyone who plays through it! xD

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Danni changed her link – you can find our blue member here:

Rachel is like the group's Kirumi (from Danganronpa) with that odd "mom" vibe, except she's a hard-working angel. Find our red member here:

DTA doesn't have an account – we picked him up off the street! He helped with voice acting for several characters, including Death and Allen. It was especially fun making him "meow" into the mic over and over. We've got more voice clips of Allen, but for the trailer/demo, I only used the meows. Allen might just stick to meowing in the final version... which means we’ll get DTA back to record even more!

If you liked his voice acting, let us know, and we'll pass your feedback along~

Well it's good to know the breaking of Live2d is NOT causing the loading issue, that is just another one of Tyranos beautiful exporting glitch or something - since you can simply click past it. This does not happen in the program, only on exported files.

If you're using the Light.VN Engine for your game, like we are, getting started can be tricky. The wiki is decent, and the official Discord is even better for support. The engine also comes with a tutorial project that, while visually helpful, can feel a bit overwhelming to read. However, it’s the best way to see the engine in action so far.

There’s another great resource to help you get started, which you can find here:

Thanks to Buchalatte for creating this, as it’s easy to follow and works really well alongside the official materials. I haven’t found a better guide yet for beginners or those transitioning from Ren’Py.

I can't wait to see what you create with the Light.VN Engine for this jam - I've tried many engines before and we'll be going into a deep dive, but I can see where this engine wants to go and tbh, it's confusing off the shelf, but really one of the best for sure - and I'm picky.

Thank you for clearing that up for us - the team wants to use it for the jam regardless. So we'll be diving deep into it this month.

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I wonder, what language is the engine? I was thinking it looks like Javascript through my phone while checking it out. I read it says's c++ is used to export or something - but I was told I could write in JS or that it supports it.