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Hadrosaurus Software

A member registered Jun 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very interesting! Acronia does use floating point operations here and there, but I figured they would be emulated in software if not supported on the user’s hardware.

I will absolutely check this out and see what I can do about it. May just be a compiler setting I missed. I would definitely like the game to be able to run whether there’s an FPU installed or not.

Thanks for letting us know!


No preference! I think The Lobdegg was simply using DOSBox-X at the time, so that’s what we went with when we re-released their original prototype.

It’ll work in any flavor of DOSBox: stock DOSBox, DOSBox-X, DOSBox Staging… they’re all good. We currently use DOSBox Staging for our releases.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! It looks like both the batch file and DOSBox config file were improperly set up. Probably reverted to an old version in an update.

I’ve updated the Windows version of the self-playing demo with a fix, and it should be okay now. Let me know if it isn’t, and I’ll take another look! :)


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Thanks! :)

Yeah, it’s definitely a work-in-progress. The enemy behavior is one of the weakest aspects, and I hope to improve it in future versions.

I hadn’t given any thought to a tutorial level. It sounds like a pretty cool idea. I’m hoping that whatever the first level ends up being (it may not be the one that’s in there now), will teach the player how to control the game just by presenting them with challenges, kinda like Mario.

There’s no sound just yet. I do hope to give some kind of audio feedback to collisions. The enemies passing through the player is intentional; I figured making them block the player would be unfair in 2D. I would like to add some kind of effect, like a small knockback or something, as long as it’s not too punishing. :)

Thanks for your feedback! I hope you stick around for more!
