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Harlequin Diver

A member registered Sep 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I can't wait to play the games of this jam, they are looking great so far! I'm not sure if I'll participate on this one, since I'm working on a big project since september, but I'll try to do a little something.

Thank you!

This is really great, it does seems useful to store it that way. It will be really useful, thank you!

Happy anniversary Decker !!

Adding synonyms would be a good idea yes, thank you for the suggestion! I will add a message for unknown commands in the future and yes, the thing with the door was an oversight. I added the first one last minute, but the description of the room does change when you pick the hammer, I'll need to fix that, thanks.

Thanks! I'll be sure to add the other options for directional movement. And yes, it is planned to add an inventory, I simply didn't add it in this exemple since there's only one item that would be in it. And somehow, I completely forgot to mention the door in the beggining of the game, thanks for pointing it out, it is now fixed.

Decker community · Created a new topic Looking for feedback

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a parser text adventure game and since it's my first time working on a game like that, I was wondering if some people would want to try a little exemple I made and tell me their opinions about it. Mainly if the game is not too confusing and easy to play, even for people who have little to no experience with that type of game. It would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the link of the exemple and the password is: decker

And feel free to use the exemple as well if you want to make your own text adventure game. The scripts were mostly inspired by these posts that I modified so they could work how I wanted to. The whole script is a little bit messy, but seems to work and I haven't seen any problems so far. Thanks

I've mostly used the wiggly player for small animations, but I really want to use the flipbook now with the update. Thanks for the exemples!

Decker community · Created a new topic 1-BIT jam #4
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Anyone else participating in the current 1-bit jam or did in previous ones? I usually don't join such big jams, but the theme on this one (Tower) inspired me for a little silly idea. And since the main limitation is 1-bit, it can be a great jam for Decker games.

Here's the link of the jam if anyone else wants to join: 1-BIT JAM #4

I'm starting to understand a lot more how it works now. Thanks a lot for answering my questions!

This seems to work exactly how I wanted to, thank you! I see in the exemple that it evaluates what is written in the input and I've tried to modify the code so that if a specific word or phrase is written in the input, that it would say a specific answer in the log, but I don't quite understant the code enough to make something that works. And I was wondering if this technique would also works with triggering events, like to toggle other widgets in the card of for alerts?

Congrats on the success of your game! Must feel amazing to have him play your game. I mostly remember him from the fanta bob show back in the day, but it was a great video of your game!

Yeah, I thought it might be tricky, especially for touchscreen users. I might stick with the version I found with the button in the meantime. Thanks for the response and for giving it some thoughts!

Hi, I'm thinking of making a small text adventure game with a parser, a little bit like Zork and games like that. So far, I found this post to make a parser with a button next to it. But I was wondering if it was possible to make a parser input without the button, like if you could press the return key in the field widget to check the words in it. I'm guessing that since the field widget already use the return key to go to the next line in the widget, I'd need to replace that action with the parser input, but I'm a bit clueless how to do that, if it's possible.

Hi, there is only one door you can unlock in that room. The frames on the fireplace needs to all face the same direction for the door to be unlocked.

Great game! Loved the retro feel and the artstyle!

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Hi, Decker has a limitation of 16 colors, but you can change them for the ones of your choice. You can look  here  for other games made with decker that have different color palettes. 

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Hi, if you want to open the .deck file, you need to download     Decker  first and you should be able to open the game after.

To find the hammer, be sure to interact with everything in the rooms, especially the paintings.

That was amazing! Really beautiful game, I loved making the bread and tea!

Thank you !

Hi, you need to interact with the paintings in the first room to find the code. Try to drag the flowers towards one of the other paintings.

Great game, really impressive work! The gameplay was really fun

Love your art style! I really enjoyed reading about all the characters, it was great!

Thank you! If you're talking about one the last paintings, it is   technically a real language, even if it is a bit obscure!

Thanks! And thank you for the video, I love the thumbnail !

Hi, there  is no visible inventory in the game. Once you find an item,  all you need to do is to click where you need to use them and they will activate automatically.

Thank you !!

Oh, thank you !

Great asset pack. I just used it for my most recent game, for a game jam and it was perfect !

Thanks for playing !

Thank you!

This is great! It looks really good and is so much fun! My best high score is 30 so far!

That was incredible! I loved exploring the art school and talking to everyone. Only had one ending so far, but I will go back and try to find the other one!

That's amazing! I love the art, the colors and those great animations! The part at the the end is really useful too!

That was really fun! I love the colors and the music for every location!


Thanks! The whole idea of the utopia and cyclical aspect were kind of a last minute idea, but I'm happy with how it worked in the end.

Thank you for playing!