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A member registered Apr 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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That's a real shame about the music. The SFX were just a couple of bleeps, I'd rather have just music than any sfx at all.  Anyway regarding the condition, I still don't get it.  If condition is damage (and 100% = unit destroyed), then you should probably just call it Damage.  But that doesn't explain why sometimes the value was going down after I attacked something.

Condition 100% sounds like a unit is at full health - and that number should drop as the unit takes damage.

Hi there, first of all thanks for creating a really great looking turn based strategy for C64. We definitely need more of the genre on the system.  I tried playing this on my stream last night, and have a few questions, and maybe found some bugs.  First of all I think the game would really benefit from some music.  We also read the manual, which I hope is not finished, since it's full of spelling errors and bad english. I really hope you have time to fix this before the physical release is published.  In terms of gameplay issues, sometimes when I'm attacking enemies, it says I've done damage, but sometimes it increases the enemies condition %, and sometimes it reduces it. I had no idea whether I was dealing damage or not.. Is an enemy destroyed if condition is 0 or 100? sometimes I would do 100 damage and it would only increase enemy condition by 1. Sometimes an enemy would be on 60, I'd do 30 damage and the enemy would be back on 15.. and stuff like that.   I can only assume the game is currently broken at the moment.  Anyway, the stream is available to watch if you'd like to see my problems demonstrated. 

I've pre-ordered a physical copy but I really hope the game gets some fixes and some music before release. 

this game better have the mcrib or else!

Wow, this was one of my faves growing up and it's great to see the mega65 getting some love. Well done ✅ 

OMega65 surely! Grats on the release, looking forward to checking this out

Just seen a video of a retro shop selling Tiger Electronics' Pink Panther game. Would be great to play that here if possible one day.

Cheers Gray!

Cheers Foamed! 

Awesome stuff, this is my 2nd game since starting to learn 6502 ASM - stick with it! 

Thanks for posting! Glad you like it. Stacbats and Jolie's graphics are beautiful

Thank you! A little bit of practice will see you fly through

Cheers Roman! Looking forward to seeing Timo's Castle boxed! 

Cheers Henni.. I didn't stream so much development this time, as I keep getting stuck too much to make it a good stream.  Glad you enjoyed the game and streams.

Thanks Daz42.. hmm I recognise that name!

Cheers Dino! 

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Cheers! Glad you enjoyed

Wow, that's a really great looking magazine, full of new retro games! I've gone ahead and bought a copy. Thanks so much for the review! 

Amazing Roman.. Good luck with the game, and hope the release goes smoothly!

Thanks so much Radio. To everyone finding the game tough, I'm working on version 1.1 which will add a casual play mode. In casual you won't have to restart the game. Hope it helps open the game a bit more. Thanks for the review! 

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Not everyone can handle the ultimate power of Legend of Wilf 

it is safe for kids, and I hope they enjoy.

Thanks for playing!


Thank you for supporting the C64 Sarah, and grats on the release. Can't wait to play this!

Awesome stuff, thanks for uploading the source James. I've got some interesting ideas how I could use this!

Awesome stuff, looking forward to playing!

Cool! I can't believe I missed this on release!

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happy to share my config with you if you send me an email / discord message or something.  I also have video of the issue if required.

Just gave this a go on stream. It's really good, but not loading properly on Ultimate 64.  With Action Replay fast loader I got the game to load, but after completing a set of levels, it wouldn't load the next (just stuck on a blank screen).. and without fast loader, the game didn't load at all.  Hopefully will have more luck in 1.1.

At first I was worried it was going to be the top down RPG that came out on the Lynx... This is quality, well done Roman!

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Woot! Really glad this is getting improvements.  Can't wait to see it.  Capture the Flag mode sounds nuts! 

Jolie woz ere 

Thanks Trap, glad you like it

Thank you, as it was my first assembly game I wanted to keep it simple, and just copy a game I grew up with. I think it worked out ok, but haven't ruled out adding to it in the future.  

RIP Stepz, you leave a great game here for us to enjoy forever. We lost an extremely talented musician, game dev, a knowledgable gamer and above all a good friend.  It's an honour you chose to spend so much time with us. So long mate. 

The best shootemup on C64.

there;s a CRT version now which mitigates the loading times. Check CSDB

Just updated VICE to 3.7 fixed the crt loading for me.  The disk version still crashed, though maybe a default Vice install doesn't have True Drive emulation on.

Thanks Sarah, amazing game. I came across a couple of small issues as well. One stopped the smart bombs from working, but I don;'t know how to recreate the issue (I played quite a few games with bombs mapped to 2nd fire button, and they worked at first but after about 6 games they stopped working).  I did save settings to disk at some point, but that didnt seem to cause the issue the 2nd time I tried.    Also myself and a viewer couldnt load the game on Vice (We were trying on Windows Vice 3.6.0). Though the game ran fine on my Ultimate 64, and others say it works ok on Vice, so I will try to update Vice and try again.  Thanks so much for the game, it's amazing.  

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Really enjoying News Stand, it's tough, but still great fun to learn to solve the puzzles.  Graphics are great, and controls are perfect. Great work.

shame about your Amiga, I hope you can get a good dev kit for Commodore coding going forward.