Hi, you would be correct that you cannot roll the Omen result for the 6 encounter. I decided to put in some flavour text there anyway to give people the same descriptors as the other encounters and to avoid a weird blank space in the formatting.
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Hello, the rule is written as follows:
"When the spymaster reveals an obstacle to the spies they will play 1-2 card(s) from their hand of a matching suit."
This means the spymaster has two options when revealing an obstacle:
1 - Play a 1 card, which will only have one suit and one difficulty value.
2 - Play 2 cards, which must have the same suit to determine the challenge type and a difficulty value that will be the sum of the card's value.
I hope this clears up any confusion.
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully it will provide some good vibes.
For the challenge mechanic we actually had the stream situation come up while play-testing. In that situation we had the cellar master assist the person and use their woodworking skill to quickly fashion a stick as a tool to grab on to. In this scenario they rolled 3 dice and succeeded. Since the game is set-up to encourage that players almost never do actions on their own.
I can understand how the examples are a little confusing here as this seems to be related to the Challenging (Pulling someone from a stream) example and not the Moderate (getting yourself out of a stream) one. However, my intentions with it were whether the character within a stream was conscious (so a failure in the writing to communicate clearly here).
Alternative you could always reduce all the difficulties by one if you'd a game with more successes (i.e. Moderate becomes 1, Challenging 2, Improbable 3).
I hope this clears up some of the differences in play vs intentions and that you still have a good time with the game!
Hello! First of all thanks for taking a look at, trying out and giving some feedback. I'm sorry if it was confusing so I'll try and address what you brought up here.
First you mention that point 4 in the How to Play section does not address what to do if you roll lower. This is because the three possible outcomes are covered in the subsections of point 4. The outcomes are that either the survival roll is higher than the danger roll (4a) or that the danger roll is higher than the survival roll, which could also be reworded as if the survival roll is lower than the danger roll. For the second possibility this is then divided into whether the danger roll is from weather (4b) or from wildlife (4c). Therefore all the possibilities are covered by point 4, just with a wording where you only have to focus on the highest roll.
Jumping to your third point about when you should roll on the last tables, that is related directly to point 4. If the danger roll is higher, you then roll on the table corresponding to the type of danger. These tables are also identified as 4a, 4b, and 4c respectively to link them directly to the How to Play section that is pertinent.
Continuing with your point about the Medical Supplies. The removing negative effects simply refers to anything that negatively effects your character. Essentially any ongoing effect from tables 4b and 4c, such as the Frostbite (-1 to all future rolls) or Injury (This result 2 times means death).
Jumping back up to your question about point 5, this is not addressed in the How to Play section as it comes up in the tables. Certain results such as Vehicle (bonus 1 movement today) and Disoriented (No movement today) can affect your standard progression of 1 per day. This is worded a bit poorly, as something along the lines of "potentially altered by step 4" would be clearer.
Moving to your note about the numbers on the equipment list, these actually do play a roll in the game play. At the top of the Equipment? section it stats "Add number to 1D6". Therefore in your example of using the Heat Pack you would actually add 2 and therefore have had a result of 5. This makes the equipment worth varying values.
Finally your final point about expanding the dangers, I agree it would be nice to have more than 6. However due to space constraints and wanting to keep the various tables at a consistent number of 6 that was a sacrifice I chose to make.
I hope this helps you, and anyone else, having some trouble following the rules. Hopefully you'll give the game another shot!